Zegnautus Keep - Story Walkthrough and Guide

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This page is for Zegnautus Keep, the third Quest of Chapter 13 of Final Fantasy XV (FF15, FFXV). Read on for more information about which sidequests, bosses, and items are available in this chapter!

FFXV Zegnautus Keep Walkthrough

List of Objectives
Zegnautus Keep 1.1
1 The train will be be-set with Daemons as it stops. Fight the daemons or flee them.
2 Ardyn has also stripped Noct of his weapons. Flee to the back of the train to escape in the Regalia.
3 Noct and party must reach the gate before it closes. Drive in the Regalia.
4 Drive the Regalia past the blockade and try not to get hit with the explosions.
Zegnautus Keep 1.2
5 Ardyn will cheat by having the Lv30 Gargantua destroy the bridge Noctis is on, to kill him. Ravus is also shown to have fallen victim here.
6 Pick up the Swotd of King Regis to use it in battle. It will be dubbed 'Sword of the Father.'
7 When you move through the corridors, Noct will be beset with poisonous fumes. Make your way to a room with clear air, which conveniently has the control panel that controls the exhaust fans.
8 Once you do, activate the control for the fans to clear the area of noxious fumes. Then return to making your way to the upper levels.
9 A safe area will be here, where you can replenish your items, and raise your security card clearance as well.
10 Enemies you have to look out for are the Imperial Axemen and Shock Troopers here. They can wipe your HP out easily, if you're not careful.
11 Once you've arrived at the elevator shaft, a Lv35 Forras will pounce on you. Defeat it (if you're strong enough) or escape it to move through with the quest.
12 The Forras will make a return despite being bought to half its HP. Enter the elevator shaft when it arrives to escape.
13 Arriving on the next floor will make you prone to daemons' Restore power to the floor to move on.
14 Another boss, a Lv32 Uttu, will be making an appearance. Fight it to move through. Make your way through to a control box that activates power to the floor.
15 Fight your way through dozens of Axe Imperials to the working elevator. The next area will feature a maze-like network of doors you need to open. Unlock these doors to make it to the upper level
16 The sequence of doors requires you to have both Panel B and C Keycards to leave panel B and C open. Turn panel A off when you've turned both B and C on.
17 Raise your clearance to level 5 using the available security clearance kiosk in this room. Eventually you'll be coming across what looks like an Imperial manufacturing facility
18 Activate the middle room to move through the quest. You'll have to update your keycard ot access the upper levels. Fight through Imperial Axemen yet again.
19 Upon upgrading your keycard, make your way back to the platform. Survive the onslaught of a Wraith and various Imperial troopers.
20 Afterwards, make your way to a door that becomes an electric prison of sorts. Before he gets squashed, Gladio and Ignis will make it through and eventually unlock Noctis from it.

Tips and Strategies

This is a list of important things to do in the quest Zegnautus Keep. Read on to find out which of them is crucial to proceeding.

  • The daemons are made to swamp Noct, which is even more dangerous, considering that he doesn't have weapons. Use his lunge skill to escape.
  • Drive the Regalia, but don't be reckless. Alternate between easing off and stepping on the gas (R2) to maneuver through traps and explosions.
  • Inside Zegnautus Keep are dorm rooms that act as safe havens for Noctis and the rest of the party, when they manage to get together. Use these.
  • There are enemies here, like the Lv35 Forras, which is designed to stalk Noctis. Evade it to successfully move through the area.
  • If you find yourself lost, take a look at the map. It's easier to track the quest marker when you see a top-down view of the entire area.

List of items


List of Items:

Superior Restorative

Boss Battles and Monsters


List of Appearing Monsters/Enemies:
Coming Soon!

Appearing Bosses

There are no boss battles in this Chapter 13 quest.

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