The Summit - Story Walkthrough and Guide

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This page is for The Summit, the second Quest of Chapter 9 of Final Fantasy XV (FF15, FFXV). Read on for more information about which side quests, bosses, and items are available in this chapter!

FFXV The Summit Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 FINAL FANTASY XV_Camelia She will invite the party to her estate to discuss terms with the 'King of Lucis'.
2 FINAL FANTASY XV_Gentiana meet-up Gentiana also makes an appearance at the hotel. Speak with her, then head to the first secretary's Fejeno Street estate afterwards.
3 FINAL FANTASY XV_Altissia meeting She will ask you diplomatic questions. Answer in a manner befitting a King to earn her trust.
4 After speaking with Camelia, the next scene shows Imperials arresting an unresisting Luna.
5 FINAL FANTASY XV_Altissia Luna The next scene shows Luna addressing a gathered crowd about her plans to awaken Leviathan to aid Noct.
6 FINAL FANTASY XV_Imperial attack Another scene plays out where the Empire drops in on the port city.

Tips and Strategies

This is a list of important things to do in the quest The Summit. Read on to find out which of them is crucial to proceeding.

  • This quest will involve a series of questions that the player has to answer. Answer Camelia's questions in the right manner to have her full trust.
  • This is also where you unlock Umbra's ability to let you travel into the past. Use it if you're still under-leveled as of this point in the game.
  • You have to save here, as there are a lot of events that will happen in the next quests--and little to no areas where you can save.

List of items


List of Items:

Gold Needle
Smelling Salts
Maiden's Kiss
Remedy (Panacea)
Verve WX
Spirit ZX
Glass Gemstone
Beautiful Bottle
Broken Harmonica
Shattered Timepiece
Debased Silverpiece
Debased Coin
Debased Banknote
Old Book
Rare Coin
Oracle ascension coin

Boss Battles and Monsters


List of Appearing Monsters/Enemies:
Coming Soon!

Appearing Bosses

There are no boss battles in this Chapter 9 quest.

Final Fantasy XV Related Links

Previous Quest Current Quest Next Quest
Altissia, City on the Sea The Summit Into the Fray
Chapter IX
Altissia, City on the Sea
The Summit
Into the Fray
The Trial of Leviathan


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