The Errand Prince - Story Walkthrough and Guide

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This page is for The Errand Prince, the fourth Quest of Chapter 1 of Final Fantasy XV (FF15, FFXV). Read on for more information about which sidequests, bosses, and items are available in this chapter!

FFXV The Errand Prince Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Errand Prince 01 FFXV Story Walkthrough Agree to bring an item to the Galdin Quay Stop for Cindy.
2 Errand Prince 02 FFXV Story Walkthrough This is also a chance to practice driving the Regalia. Manual lets you take charge, while Auto lets Ignis take the wheel.
3 There are treasure areas which will be marked on your map. Be on the lookout for these.
4 Errand Prince 03 FFXV Story Walkthrough Step out of the Regalia after you reach your destination, then head to the motel manager to speak with him.
5 You can choose to sleep in the motel for a fee, or camp out if you're near a haven.
6 Errand Prince 04 FFXV Story Walkthrough Afterwards, drive your way out of the Galdin Quay Rest Stop and to the Ferry to take a boat.
7 Errand Prince 05 FFXV Story Walkthrough A suspicious man will be giving out coins. Proceed past him to the docks to finish the quest, and to find out that there are no ferries.

Tips and Strategies

This is a list of important things to do in the quest The Errand Prince. Read on to find out which of them is crucial to proceeding.

  • Another map marker you need to look out for is the treasure markers, which are scattered on the map.
  • If you're cashless, you can seek out campsites on the map. Just make sure to reach these before it gets dark.
  • When in the Regalia, you can choose to let Ignis drive or drive yourself. There is not much difference between these two.

List of items

Galdin Quay

List of Items:

Fossil Shell
Metal Scrap
Debased Coin
Star Shell
Oracle ascension coin

Boss Battles and Monsters

Coming Soon!

Appearing Bosses

There are no boss battles in this Chapter 1 quest.

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The Mutant Marauder The Errand Prince A Gentleman's Agreement
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Hunter Becomes the Hunted
The Mutant Marauder
The Errand Prince
A Gentleman's Agreement
Ill Tidings


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