FF7 Remake

Chocobo Sam

Chocobo Sam_Final Fantasy VII_banner
This is a profile of the character Chocobo Sam from the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Read on to learn about this character's voice actor and characteristics.

Chocobo Sam's Backstory and Profile

Chocobo Sam_Final Fantasy VII

Chocobo Sam is a chocobo handler in Wall Market, and the owner of Sam's Delivery. He is also is a shameless gambler, motivated more by the rush of the risk than the potential profit.
Name Chocobo Sam
Voice Actor English: Larry Davis
Japanese: Masashi Sugawara
Position Chocobo Hut proprietor

Chocobo Sam's Characteristics

A New Character in the Remake

Chocobo Sam is an exclusive solely made for the FF7 Remake. He has some part in the selection and/or transport of brides to the mansion of Don Corneo. He also appears to hold some sort of sway within the Wall Market.

A Whole New Experience in Midgar!

Chocobo Sam owns the Chocobo Hut, a delivery and sightseeing service. You can use chocobos to fast travel after clearing a quest with him in Chapter 14 which makes backtracking and exploring much more convenient.

Chapter 14: In Search of Hope Walkthrough

Character Links

Main Characters
cloudCloud AerithAerith BarretBarret TifaTifa
Best Build for Each Character
Character Ranking by Stat
Jessie.pngJessie Wedge.pngWedge Biggs.pngBiggs -
Shinra Company
Sephiroth.pngSephiroth Professor Hojo.pngHojo Reno.pngReno President Shinra.pngPresident
Rude.pngRude Heidegger.pngHeidegger Roche.pngRoche Tseng.pngTseng
Scarlet.pngScarlet Palmer.pngPalmer Reeve.pngReeve Rufus.pngRufus
Other Characters
Red XIII.pngRed XIII Don Corneo.pngDon Corneo Leslie.pngLeslie Andrea.pngAndrea
Madam M.pngMadam M Chocobo Sam.pngSam Kyrie.pngKyrie Zack Portrait.pngZack
Vincent Valentine Icon.pngVincent JenovaJenova - -
INTERmission DLC
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi - - -

List of Characters


2 Anonymousover 4 years

Sam we need this cargo undamaged and to be there in 30 minut- oops wrong Sam.

1 Anonymousover 4 years

Chocobo Sam looks like the stereotypical western rancher who everybody sees leading a farm in the middle of nowhere.


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