Minecraft Dungeons

Harvester Stats, Effects and Location

Harvester is a Common/Rare Artifact in the game Minecraft Dungeons. Learn about the Stats and Effects of Harvester, and what Missions it appears as an Artifact Drop!

Harvester Stats and Effects

Harvester Image
Usage When used, the Harvester releases souls in an explosion.
Effects x artifact damage
+1 Soul Gathering
Cooldown 1 second cooldown
Requires Souls? Yes


“The Harvester siphons the souls of the dead, before releasing them into a cluster hex of power.”

-- In-game description

Harvester Tier Ranking

Harvester Artifact Rank

Artifact Ranking A Rank Icon

A great area of effect Artifact for Soul builds. If you have enough Souls and are surrounded you can activate this Artifact to deal damage to any mobs arround you and give you space.

Artifact Guides
Best Artifacts for Early Game Best Artifacts Overall

How to Get the Harvester

Missions Containing the Harvester

The Harvester can appear as an Artifact Drop in the following Missions.

No. Mission
4 Soggy Swamp
6 Redstone Mines
? Secret Cow Level (???)

Related Links


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List of Artifacts


3 3 Anonymousabout 3 years


2 Anonymousalmost 4 years

mas e o local???


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