
Fast Progression Guide


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1M BP in 1 Day - MementoMori

Progressing fast in MementoMori helps you unlock all the content in the game waste less time doing it. This guide shows the steps you need to take to get 1 million BP in 1 day and what to do after achieving this feat.

Fast Progression Guide

How to Get From 0 to 1 Million BP in One Day

1 Million BP in One Day Checklist

Reroll Until You Get Florence or Cordie

Florence and Cordie - MementoMori

To achieve 1 million BP in 6 to 12 hours, you’ll need strong witches to guide you through to Chapter 7. It’s advisable to reroll until you obtain either the Azure witch Florence or the Emerald witch Cordie, as both are powerful attackers capable of defeating multiple enemies in a single action.

Additionally, consider rerolling for Merlyn, Primavera, and Mimi. Merlyn excels as a support witch, boosting the CRIT chance of nearby allies (ideal for Florence). Primavera is a buffer who performs a 2-hit physical attack to the enemy directly in front of her, inflicts Fainted and provides ATK and SPD boosts to her allies. Mimi, meanwhile, has a Resonance debuff which makes enemies with the lowest and highest DEF to share damage with each other.

Character Reroll Guide

Progress and Level Up Your Main Attacker

Get Them to Lv. 61 by Quest 3-24, Lv. 80 by Quest 5-23, and Lv 100 by Quest 7-20

Florence Levels - MementoMori

Once you have a main attacker in your team, focus the majority of your resources on that character. This means they should be the first to level up, and receive the best Gear, Runes, and Augments. Avoid spreading your resources too thinly across multiple characters.

A useful guideline is to keep your main attacker 20 to 40 levels higher than the other witches in your party. For instance, by Quest 3-24, your main attacker should be around Level 61 (having unlocked all their skills), while the rest of your party should be between Level 21 and 41, depending on your priorities.

It’s advisable to level up your main attacker first, followed by your best support unit or secondary attacker, and then the rest of your party. Always ensure your main attacker maintains at least a 20-level lead.

If You Get Stuck on a Quest, Increase BP with Trials and Upgrades

Lose Amleth - MementoMori

Your primary objective is to reach Chapter 7 as quickly as possible while collecting essential resources along the way. Advancing through the main quest will also unlock additional PvE modes, such as the Cave of Space-Time and the Tower of Infinity, where you can gather more resources.

Although combat in MementoMori is relatively straightforward, you may encounter challenging quests where you repeatedly lose. When this happens, there are several methods to increase your characters’ levels and BP to eventually succeed. By doing so, you’ll accumulate enough resources to strengthen your party and overcome the difficult quest.

Ways to Increase BP:
  1. Clearing the Main Quest
  2. Climbing the Tower of Infinity
  3. Clearing the Cave of Space-Time
  4. Upgrading Your Gear
  5. Attaching Runes
  6. Doing Augments
  7. Using Consumable Items and Collecting Rewards
  8. Awakening Characters

1. Clearing the Main Quest

Clearing the Main Quest - MementoMori

Clearing the main quest is one of the two primary ways you can get leveling resources, though you'll come across stages (called 'quests' in-game) that will see your party defeated again and again.

Remember that there's still an element of probability in the outcomes of these quests, so try fighting them a dozen times using the auto-skip button before moving on to the other methods in this list. If you've already gone as far as you have in the Main Quest, you can use the 'Quick Battle' option to get just a bit more resources that you could use to level up.

List of All Quests Walkthroughs

2. Climbing the Tower of Infinity

Tower of Infinity - MementoMori

Another great way to get leveling resources as well as good gear to equip your witches with is the Tower of Infinity. Just like with quests in the main campaign, climb as many floors as you can until you begin losing more than ten times. If you really need to, use up your 3 challenge attempts to re-challenge past stages and get more loot.

Tower of Infinity Guide

3. Clearing the Cave of Space-Time

Cave of Space-Time - MementoMori

Another way to gather resources is to clear the Cave of Space-Time. Though the resources given here are not as abundant as in the Main Quest or in the Tower of Infinity, you'll still get your hands on Space-Time Coins, which you can use to get yourself powerful supporting witches like Merlyn and Amleth. Though this is something more for the long-term rather than immediately getting you to 1 million BP, so just clear it when you can.

How to Clear the Cave of Space-Time Trial

4. Upgrading Your Gear

Gear Upgrading - MementoMori

When you're at a point where you can't level up your witches anymore because you've run out of EXP and Kindling Orbs, then it's time to start increasing their power through other ways. One of these is through upgrading their individual pieces of equipment.

Remember to upgrade your main attacker's gear first before everyone else. We recommend upgrading their weapon only at first to increase your witch's ATK, but upgrade the other pieces later on to give your witch various DEF stat boosts.

Once you've reached the max upgrade level for that witch's gear, then upgrade the gear of other witches like how you would level them up: best support witches or secondary attackers, then everyone else if you can spare the resources. But always make sure that your main attacker got all the upgrades first.

Gear Guide

5. Attaching Runes

Attaching Runes - MementoMori

Another (and maybe the best) way to increase your character's BP is to give them the right runes. Runes are unlocked within Chapter 4, with the Rune Shop unlocking in Chapter 4-16. By this time, you may already have items called Mystery Runes. Use them, and you will get all kinds of runes that will give your witch various stat bonuses on top of the ones they already get from their gear.

Just like with orbs and gear upgrades, give your best Runes to your main attacker. You may already have ATK or CRIT runes on hand, so give them those. If you have any Rune Tickets, use those to buy as many SPD and PM. Def Break runes you need to attach to all of your main attacker's left-side gear (Weapon, Accessory, Hands) to maximize your stat bonus. This means buying three Lv. 4 PM. DEF Break runes rather than two Lv. 5 PM Def Break Runes or just one Lv. 6 PM Def. Break rune.

How to Collect and Use Runes

6. Doing Augments

Augments - MementoMori

Another way to increase your power is to Augment your Gear with Dark and Holy fragments. Augmentation grants you even more stat bonuses from your gear, and those stat bonuses depend on whether you use Dark gear or Holy gear.

You should already have a few Dark pieces of armor, as well as consumable Dark-type augment materials. Use these to augment your Body gear, which increases your DEF Break stat. If you get your hands on Holy armor from the Shop, use those to augment your Hand gear to receive boosts to your CRIT DMG.

How to Augment Gear

7. Using Consumable Items and Collecting Rewards

Boss ticket - MementoMori

If you're short on leveling materials and exhausted other options to boost your power, consider using consumables like Boss Tickets and Tickets of Infinity. These items let you re-challenge past stages, gaining loot from the Main Quest and Tower of Infinity.

Also keep an eye out for items like EXP. Orb (2 hrs) and Kindling Orb (8 hrs) in your inventory. They grant Gold, EXP, or Kindling Orbs equivalent to what you'd earn AFK over the specified time. We recommend using these items until you reach 1 million BP; beyond that, save them to maximize your leveling resources in the future.

When using these time-based consumable items, start with the (2 hrs) and (6 hrs) variants before (8 hrs) and (24 hrs) to avoid wasting potential resources.

8. Awakening Characters

Awakening Florence - MementoMori

If you're lucky, you may have gotten copies of your witches either through the Invoke banners or from using up Witch's shards. Awakening characters does not only increase their level cap, but their BP as well.

Getting a copy of Florence, however, may be a bit tough, while getting a guaranteed copy of Cordie will take days. So don't count on this too much. You can certainly still get your main attacker to Lv. 100 without having to Awaken them.

Awakening Guide

Fights With Soltina Will Be Tricky

Soltina - MementoMori

Soltina is one of the toughest characters that you can come across in MementoMori's main campaign. Having her as an enemy will certainly result in you losing at least a few battles before winning, though she will destroy those who are unprepared.

To deal with her, we recommend having a secondary attacker like Amleth or Mimi. Mimi is especially handy since she has the Resonance debuff that essentially lets you damage Soltina by attacking another enemy with the weakest DEF on her team. If you want an easier time countering Soltina, make sure you have Florence as your main attacker and sufficiently buff her with levels, runes, gear, and augments.

By Quest 6-24, Wait 6-8 Hours For More Orbs

Quest 6-28 - MementoMori

At this stage, you should have around 700,000 to 750,000 BP and be at Player Rank 25 to 28, or possibly higher depending on your party composition. Our team included Florence, Amleth, Olivia, Hathor, and Nina, with Hathor and Nina later replaced by Soltina and Fenrir.

By Quest 6-24, we had played for 4 to 6 hours and had exhausted our options for strengthening our party. Chapter 6 is generally where progress slows down, so we recommend waiting 6 to 8 hours to allow your units to gather more leveling resources.

When you log back in, you should have enough EXP and Kindling Orbs to level your main attacker to 100 and the rest of your party to between 61 and 81. Ensure you upgrade your main attacker’s gear, synthesize runes, and apply any available augments. Do this for the rest of your party as well, prioritizing your best support or secondary attacker, and you should surpass 1 million BP.

If you prefer not to wait 6-8 hours, you can purchase EXP Orb Packs and Kindling Orb Packs from the Premium Gifts section for $3.99 each.

What to Do Once You Hit 1 Million BP?

Play the Game More Casually and Get to Quest 11-28

Player Rank Increase - MementoMori

At this point, you've already unlocked most of the 'essential' game modes in MementoMori, so just do your dailies and dip into the Battle League from time to time. Also, use the Level Link feature to have more high-level witches at your disposal.

Your main focus now should be to clear Quest 11-28, after which you'll unlock the Invocation of Chance - a special invoke banner that gives you both characters and the precious Kindling Orbs you need to level up your witches. Don't forget to save up your Diamonds until then.

Invocation of Chance Banner Guide

MementoMori Related Links

Tips and Tricks Partial  Banner - MementoMori

List of All Tips and Tricks

Beginners' Guide
BeginnerBeginner's Guide
The Best World To Play In for Beginners Reroll Guide
Team Building Guide How to Clear the Cave of Space-Time Trial
Who to Pull Using Witch's Invitation Tower of Infinity Guide
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Gear Guide How to Augment Gear
Rune Guide Awakening Guide
Level Link System Guide What Is the Invocation of Chance?
Which Gacha Gear Set Should You Build? Unique Weapons Guide
Gold Farming Guide Tree of Life's Dew Explained
Other Beginner's Guides
Mistakes to Avoid Daily Tasks Checklist
How to Make Your Characters Stronger How to Overcome the Main Quest
How to Enjoy the Game to the Fullest What to Do After the Start Dash Missions
How to Fix Slow Progress Fast Progression Guide
When Should You Start Playing PvP PvP Team Building Guide
How to Unlock All Game Modes and Features How to Add Friends
Account Link Guide Glossary For Beginners


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