Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Hunter Mode Guide


Hunt for all ghosts on a floor within the time limit in the Hunter Mode of the ScareScraper in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Read on for useful tips to follow when playing through Hunter Mode, and learn all upgrades and the best power-ups to get!

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Hunter Mode Tips and Strategies

Hunter Mode Tips

Check Progress with Ghost Meter


Players can check how many ghosts are needed to be captured before they can clear a floor with the ghost meter found below the map.

The meter will slowly decrease as ghosts are captured, so you can check this to know your progress per floor.

Capture Ghosts or Search Objects to Get Keys


Sometimes, you may need to get a key to get access to another room while searching for more ghosts.

Capturing all ghosts inside a room or searching for objects will give you a key that you can use to get to other rooms.

How to Catch Ghosts

Cooperate with Other Luigis


Tougher ghosts will become more common as you climb higher ScareScraper floors in Hunter Mode. 

At some point, it will be beneficial if two Luigis work together to clear a room, as it will be easier to capture ghosts with high HP.

Split Up in Early Floors in Normal Difficulty

When playing in Normal difficulty, all Luigis can spread out to quickly clear all rooms within the floor.

Initially, ghosts on early floors can be dealt with by one player, so it will be faster if all players split up and clear their own set of rooms.

Reveal All Rooms for Red Coin Scramble


The Red Coin Scramble is a mini game that happens every time a floor is cleared, where players must collect four red coins spread across the floor to get a bonus power-up for the next floor.

The red coins will be randomly placed across the map and will be displayed if the room is already revealed, so it will be useful to plot out the entire map early on by going into them as you hunt for ghosts.

This way, all players can simply run towards the room where the red coins are instead of blindly looking for them.

All Red Coin Bonuses

Collect Treasure to Get Equipment Upgrades


Much like in the story mode, Luigi can get equipment upgrades as he gets more loot. All players' treasures are pooled together, so everyone will benefit from unlocking an upgrade.

With that, players should get as much treasure as possible to unlock upgrades as they climb higher floors, especially in Hunter Mode, which can benefit from Poltergust and Dark-Light upgrades, as these make capturing ghosts easier.

How to Get Treasure (Money) Fast

All Hunter Mode Upgrades

Treasure Collected Upgrade
600 G Level 2 Poltergust
1,800 G Level 2 Dark-Light
4,000 G Level 2 Suction
7,000 G Level 3 Poltergust
11,500 G Level 3 Dark-Light
16,000 G Level 3 Suction
20,000 G Heart Drop

Luigi will get Heart Drops at 20,000 G and above.

Luigi can get useful upgrades as he collects a set amount of treasure while ascending the ScareScraper in Hunter Mode. The first six upgrades improve his equipment, while the rest are heart drops that heal Luigi.

Best Hunter Mode Red Coin Power-Ups

x2 and x3 Poltergust

The x2 and x3 Poltergust power-ups are the best ones to get in Hunter Mode as these increase the suction power of Luigi's Poltergust, which makes capturing tougher ghosts and defeating bosses easier.

The easier it is to capture ghosts, the less time it will take to clear out a room, so make sure to take advantage of these power-ups.


Getting the map will reveal all ghost locations in your mini map, which eliminates the need to check every single room just to check for any ghosts.

It also makes the Red Coin Scramble easier as all red coins will be plotted out on the map.


The Restorator is a power-up that heals Luigi whenever he captures a ghost, which can be useful on higher floors where tougher ghosts are present and taking damage may be more common.

Hunter Mode Overview

Hunt All Ghosts Within Five Minutes


In Hunter Mode, players need to capture all ghosts on a floor within five minutes to advance and reach higher ScareScraper floors.

Players may also need to look for keys to unlock locked rooms, which can be obtained by capturing ghosts or checking out objects inside a room.

Multiplayer Guide: How to Play ScareScraper

Hunter Mode Settings


You can change a few settings to make a Hunter Mode session longer or more difficult.

Like other ScareScraper modes, you can take on the Hunter Mode on either 5, 10, or 25 floors, with an Endless option available after completing a 25-floor run.

You can also play at Normal, Hard, or Expert difficulty, with the harder difficulties making tougher ghosts appear on early floors.

ScareScraper Difficulty Differences

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All ScareScraper Guides

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All Luigi Costumes and Outfits How to Unlock Endless Mode
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