Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

All Equipment and Upgrades


Luigi has an arsenal of equipment he can use in his ghost-hunting adventure in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Read on to learn more about the Poltergust 5000, Dark-Light Device, and other equipment Luigi can use in the game!

List of All Equipment



At the first level of the game and before getting any actual equipment, Luigi uses a regular flashlight to wander around the Gloomy Manor.

This is replaced by tthe Strobulb which is his actual flashlight all throughout the game.

Dual Scream


The Dual Scream is a communications device that Luigi receives from Professor E. Gadd.

The professor uses the Dual Scream, which resembles a Nintendo DS, to communicate with Luigi while he is on a mission. The device also displays the map and objectives during missions.

Poltergust 5000


The Poltergust 5000 is Luigi's main equipment in the game, which he gets in the mission A-1 Poltergust 5000. It is a vacuum that can suck air to capture ghosts and collect loot, or blow air to launch objects or blow away dust and other objects.

The Poltergust 5000 gives Luigi a Power Surge move which can be used to deal more damage against ghosts and get more gold. To perform a Power Surge, fill up the Power Gauge and press the A button once it is charged.

You can upgrade the Power Gauge of Luigi's Poltergust simply by collecting treasure. Upgrading this equipment will increase the damage you can deal with Power Surges.

Poltergust 5000 Upgrades

Equipment Upgrade Treasure Required
Power Gauge Level 2 2,000 G
Power Gauge Level 3 7,000 G
Super Poltergust 20,000 G

Poltergust 5000 Upgrades and How to Unlock



The Strobulb is the main flashlight Luigi uses in the game, which he also gets during A-1 Poltergust 5000. This flashlight is used to stun ghosts, which makes them vulnerable to being captured by the Poltergust.

The Strobulb can be charged to emit a stronger flash of light, which can stun multiple ghosts at once. It can also open green panels, which can open blocked doors.

How to Get the Strobulb

Dark-Light Device


The Dark-Light Device is a flashlight add-on that Luigi gets in A-4 Visual Tricks. This makes the flashlight emit a rainbow-colored light, which reveals hidden objects inside rooms after sucking Spirit Balls from these objects. It can also be used to follow Polterpup tracks in Polterpup Mode in ScareScraper or free Toads and objects trapped behind paintings.

Unlike the Strobulb, Luigi can only use the Dark-Light Device for a limited amount of time before it depletes, where it must recharge so it can be used again. This can be improved by collecting treasure and upgrading the device.

Dark-Light Device Upgrades

Equipment Upgrade Treasure Required
Dark-Light Level 2 4,000 G
Dark-Light Level 3 10,000 G

Dark-Light Device Upgrades and How to Unlock

How to Upgrade Equipment

Collect Gold and Treasure


Collecting treasure and loot as you progress through the game will upgrade your Poltergust and Dark-Light Device.

These upgrades will make your ghost-hunting excursions easier, as you will make your Poltergust more effective against tougher ghosts and be able to use your Dark-Light Device longer before it runs out of juice.

How to Get Treasure (Money) Fast

Upgrades Reset in ScareScraper


In ScareScraper mode, your Poltergust and Dark-Light Device can also be upgraded by collecting treasure. Treasure in this mode is shared among all players in a session, so every Luigi in the run will get upgrades once you unlock them.

Do note that these upgrades only persist per run and will reset if your run ends either by completing it or failing.

Multiplayer Guide: How to Play ScareScraper

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