Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Death Penalty: What Happens If You Get a Game Over?

You will get a Game Over screen when you die in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Read on to learn how to preserve your HP and what happens when you die!

What Happens If You Get a Game Over?

Good Night When Luigi's HP Reaches 0

You will get a Good Night screen when Luigi's HP reaches 0. If don't have a Gold Bone for the mission, you'll be asked whether you want to restart the mission or go back to the Bunker.

Gold Bone


If you have a Gold Bone in your possession, Luigi can be automatically revived by a Polterpup in case he loses all his health. Upon being revived, Luigi should go back to being at full health.

Take note that all the damage you receive will still be recorded in your final results even after being revived with a Gold Bone. If you lose enough health to require the Gold Bone, it most likely means that you will have a low rank for the mission.

What Does the Gold Bone Do?

Good Night at ScareScraper

You will get a Good Night screen when you fail to complete a ScareScraper. This happens when you either run out of time or if all players faint.

You Can Revive Players in Multiplayer

When playing on Multiplayer mode, a player who runs out of HP will be downed. However, another player can approach the fainted player and press A to revive them. If all players fall with no one left to revive, the game will end.

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