Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Surprise Mode Guide and How to Unlock


Complete all three game modes at least once to unlock the Surprise Mode of the ScareScraper in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Read on for useful tips to follow when playing through Surprise Mode and more!

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Hunter Mode Rush Mode
Polterpup Mode Surprise Mode

How to Unlock Suprise Mode

Complete All Three Modes At Least Once


Completing all three modes, regardless of difficulty or floor option, will unlock Surprise Mode for ScareScraper.

Since the settings will not matter to unlock this mode, you can set up a five-floor run on Normal difficulty for Hunter, Rush, and Polterpup to unlock Surprise Mode as quickly as possible.

Surprise Mode Tips and Strategies

Coordinate with Other Luigis


If you are playing with other people, you should always try to coordinate with other Luigis to combat the randomness of Surprise Mode, especially on later floors.

All players must be able to adapt on the fly, whether to split up during Rush and Polterpup Mode or to pair up together in the more difficult levels of Hunter Mode.

Reveal All Rooms for Red Coin Scramble


Getting bonus power-ups from the Red Coin Scramble can help the team finish the current objective, regardless of who gets the power-up.

To avoid wasting time looking for coins during the scramble, you can try to visit all rooms on the floor before hand so every player will know where the red coins are.

All Red Coin Bonuses

Collect Treasure to Get Equipment Upgrades


Equipment upgrades are also very useful in Surprise Mode, as all upgrades will benefit the team in any mode.

Make sure to collect all loot as you play climb the ScareScraper to collect enough treasure and get upgrades.

How to Get Treasure (Money) Fast

All Surprise Mode Upgrades

Treasure Collected Upgrade
500 G Level 2 Poltergust
1,500 G Level 2 Dark-Light
3,000 G Level 2 Suction
5,500 G Level 3 Poltergust
9,000 G Level 3 Dark-Light
12,500 G Level 3 Suction
15,500 G Heart Drop

Luigi will get Heart Drops at 15,500 G and above.

Luigi can get useful upgrades as he collects a set amount of treasure while ascending the ScareScraper in Surprise Mode. The first six upgrades improve his equipment, while the rest are heart drops that heal Luigi.

Surprise Mode Overview

Remix of All Modes


In Surprise Mode, players will go through all three modes as they climb up the ScareScraper.

The order of the game mode per floor will be random, but for every five floors, players will run through two Hunter Mode floors, one Rush Mode floor, one Polterpup Mode floor, and one floor with a boss fight.

Multiplayer Guide: How to Play ScareScraper

Surprise Mode Settings


You can change a few settings to make a Surprise Mode session longer or more difficult.

Like other ScareScraper modes, you can take on the Surprise Mode on either 5, 10, or 25 floors, with an Endless option available after completing a 25-floor run.

You can also play at Normal, Hard, or Expert, with the gameplay being harder depending on the game mode.

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ScareScraper Guide

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All ScareScraper Guides

ScareScraper Guides
All Luigi Costumes and Outfits How to Unlock Endless Mode
ScareScraper Difficulty Differences All Red Coin Bonuses
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