Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

All Red Coin Bonuses


You can get red coin bonus power-ups if you collect four red coins during a Red Coin Scramble in the ScareScraper in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Read on for a list of all red coin bonuses and power-ups, what each power-up does, and learn about the Red Coin Scramble!

List of Red Coin Bonus Power-Ups

After getting all the red coins during a Red Coin Scramble, a roulette will appear on the screen and a random power-up will be given to one of the Luigis in the session.

The power-up will take effect on the next floor and will only be active on that floor.

Do note that these power-ups may also drop while searching for hidden objects inside a room.

Power-Up Details
Luigi Map ・Reveals the whole floor in the mini map.
・Also reveals ghost locations in Hunter Mode, the hatch in Rush Mode, and Polterpup locations in Polterpup Mode.
Luigi Luigi
2x/3x Poltergust
・Increases suction strength, making it easier and faster to capture ghosts.
Luigi Dark-Light Glasses ・Reveals all hidden items and ghosts inside a room. Only applies to the player with the power-up.
・Reveals Polterpup tracks in Polterpup mode.
Luigi Restorator ・Heals Luigi upon capturing ghost with Poltergust.

How to Get Red Coin Power-Ups

Get More Red Coins Than Other Players


During the roulette, all players will have a fair chance of getting the random power-up if all Luigis get one red coin each, but this can be increased if a player can obtain more red coins than other players as they will have an extra icon in the roulette.

For example, if player 1 has obtained all red coins, then they will have a 5/8 chance of winning the power-up as they will have three additional icons in the roulette. Meanwhile, players 2, 3, and 4 will still have a 1/8 chance to get a power-up even if they do not get any red coins.

Guaranteed a Random Power-Up on Solo Play


If you are taking on the ScareScraper alone, you will be guaranteed to have a random power-up if you manage to collect all red coins during the scramble.

Red Coin Scramble Explained

Get Four Red Coins


After completing the objective on a floor, a Red Coin Scramble will begin, where all players must find four red coins that are randomly placed across the map within the time limit.

The rooms where the red coins are will be visible on the map, but they will not show up if you haven't explored that room before the scramble started.

Do note that players will not receive a bonus if they fail to get all four red coins within the allotted time.

Multiplayer Guide: How to Play ScareScraper

Reveal Entire Floor Before Scramble


It is best to try to explore the entire floor before completing the objective to reveal the entire map in preparation for the Red Coin Scramble.

This will make finding the coins easier as you will know where they are, compared to checking out unrevealed rooms and wasting precious time.

Roulette Determines Power-Up and Who Gets It


When all players are able to get all four red coins, a roulette will show up on the results screen of that floor, where the red coin bonus will be awarded to a player.

A random power-up will be given to a random player. Any Luigi that has obtained more red coins will have a bigger chance of getting the power-up.

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