Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

All Luigi Costumes and Outfits


In the ScareScraper multiplayer mode of Luigi's Mansion 2 HD, other players can play as Luigi with different costumes. Read on to see all the costume and outfit variants of Luigi in ScareScraper and find out how to play as Luigi in a different costume!

All Luigi Costumes and Outfits

Player Color
Luigi Player 1 Green
Luigi Player 2 Blue
Luigi Player 3 Orange
Luigi Player 4 Pink

When playing with other people, players 2, 3, and 4 will have different colors for the Luigi they control.

The player slot is determined by the order of who went into the ScareScraper room first. The host will always play as green Luigi, while the second, third, and fourth players that will join the room will play as blue, orange, and pink Luigi, respectively.

How to Play with Different Luigi Costumes

Join a Session in Multiplayer


To play as Luigi with a different costume, you need to join another player's ScareScraper room as Player 2, 3, or 4.

The host will play as a Luigi with a green hat, overalls, and Poltergust, but the other Luigis will have either blue, orange, or pink.

Multiplayer Guide: How to Play ScareScraper

Not Available in Story Mode


You will not be able to change the color of Luigi's attire in the Dark Moon story mode, even after you unlock the ScareScraper mode.

Luigi's alternate costumes are only available when joining another player's ScareScraper session.

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