Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Rush Mode Guide


Look for the exit before time expires in the Rush Mode of the ScareScraper in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Read on for useful tips to follow when playing through Rush Mode, and learn all upgrades and the best power-ups to get!

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Rush Mode Tips and Strategies

Rush Mode Tips

Search Items Inside Rooms


Most of your time during Rush Mode will be spent searching for objects inside the rooms to find timepieces that extend the time limit as you look for the exit hatch on the current floor you are on.

Remember to use your Dark-Light Device to reveal hidden items to check and not rely on only looking at visible objects.

Clear Rooms of Ghosts


If you have a map or randomly encounter a room full of ghosts, make sure to capture every single one to get a timepiece which extends the time limit.

You'll have an easier time capturing ghosts if you have Poltergust upgrades present.

How to Catch Ghosts

Split Up

If you are playing with other players, it is a good idea to split up and cover as many areas as you can. This way, multiple people can not only look for the exit on their own, but everyone can also extend the time if they find timepieces.

Do try to be aware in case one of your teammates pings that they need help, as they may be trapped in vases or rugs or even cursed.

Don't Stay Still After Finding the Exit

If you are the first Luigi to find the exit, notify your team that you have found the hatch, and make sure to avoid just standing on top of the panel while you wait for your teammates.

You can still look around the room to get timepieces to extend the time and ensure that the other Luigis will have enough time to reach the panels.

All Rush Mode Upgrades

Treasure Collected Upgrade
400 G Level 2 Poltergust
1,100 G Level 2 Dark-Light
2,400 G Level 2 Suction
4,000 G Level 3 Poltergust
7,000 G Level 3 Dark-Light
10,000 G Level 3 Suction
12,000 G Heart Drop

Luigi will get Heart Drops at 12,000 G and above.

Luigi can get useful upgrades as he collects a set amount of treasure while ascending the ScareScraper in Rush Mode. The first six upgrades improve his equipment, while the rest are heart drops that heal Luigi.

Best Rush Mode Red Coin Power-Ups


The map is the best power-up to get in Rush Mode as it eliminates the task of looking for the exit in the current floor you are in.

If you have the map, you can easily head straight to the exit hatch and move on to the next floor.

Dark-Light Glasses

The Dark-Light Glasses will reveal hidden objects that usually needs to be revealed by your Dark-Light Device.

If you have this power-up, you will no longer need to check every nook and cranny to find hidden objects, as they will already be highlighted on your end.

Rush Mode Overview

Find the Exit Within Time Limit


In Rush Mode, your main goal per floor is to find the exit hatch before the time runs out. Players will look around the floor and check rooms to find the exit.

Timepieces, which can be collected by searching for items or capturing all ghosts inside a room, will extend the time limit. This is essential, as you will need all the extra time you can get.

Multiplayer Guide: How to Play ScareScraper

Stand on Panel to Unlock Exit


After locating the exit hatch, all Luigis must stand on the panel before it can unlock and clear the current floor you are on.

All players in the session need to stand on a hatch, so all Luigis must meet up at the end before they can advance to the next floor.

Rush Mode Settings


You can change a few settings to make a Rush Mode session more difficult.

Like other ScareScraper modes, you can take on the Rush Mode on either 5, 10, or 25 floors, with an Endless option available after completing a 25-floor run.

You can also play at Normal, Hard, or Expert difficulty, with the harder difficulties spawning more ghosts and Goobers to slow you down as you look for the exit.

ScareScraper Difficulty Differences

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