Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

How to Cross Tight Ropes and Narrow Bridges

Tight-ropes and narrow bridges require the use of motion controls to balance in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon). Read on for tips on how to cross these narrow pathways using motion controls and the control stick.

How to Cross Tight Ropes and Narrow Bridges

Use Motion Controls to Stay Balanced

The tightrope segments in Luigi's Mansion 2 use motion controls to keep Luigi's balance as he walks across the narrow pathways. When you notice Luigi leaning on one side, tilt your console or controller to the other in order to correct him.

Walking forward requires the use of the left control stick. However, the left stick can also adjust Luigi's balance, so try your best to keep it straight.

Control Schemes Explained: Are There Motion Controls?

Set Down Your Console and Use the Control Stick

One technique that was effective for the 3DS version of Luigi's Mansion 2 is to set down your console on top of a flat surface. This stabilizes Luigi as he attempts to cross a tightrope or narrow bridge.

You can then use the left control stick to correct Luigi's balance if he starts leaning towards one side. This may be the better strategy to use if you're struggling with motion controls.

Turn Off Motion Controls in Options


If motion controls are really giving you a hard time, you can turn them off in the Options menu of the HD Nintendo Switch version of the game. Pause the game, go to Options, then set the Motion Sensor to Disabled.

Jump Between Beams


If you're in an area with parellel beams, you can tilt the right control stick in the direction of the other beam for Luigi to jump towards it.

Can You Jump?

How to Cross the Airway Bridge Tightrope in Mission D-1

Lean Against the Blowing Wind

The broken bridge in the Airway area of the Secret Mine mansion is more challenging than other tightrope segments because there will be wind blowing on and off that can easily knock Luigi into the chasm below.

You should be able to see and hear the wind once it activates. Make sure to tilt your console or controller against the wind to help Luigi keep his balance. It may take a few tries to get the timing and tilt intensity right, but it shouldn't be a problem unless you're aiming for a 3-star rank.

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Use B to Sprint Across

If slow and steady isn't working for you, it might be better to get through this segment as fast as possible, so that the wind has less chances of blowing Luigi away. You can run on tightropes by holding the B button.

However, this technique can make Luigi unstable. If you see him leaning too far into one side, stop running and try to correct him before he falls off.

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