Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Legend of Beowulf Release Date and New Content

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This is a page for the Legend of Beowulf DLC for Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to find out more about its contents, locations, and the enemies you'll encounter in this expansion!

Legend of Beowulf Release Date

Release Date Available Post Launch

The Legend of Beowulf DLC is exclusive to those who picked up the Season Pass, available to them as the game drops. Unlike the two other slated DLCs, Wrath of the Druids and Siege of Paris, Legend of Beowulf will be a short, bonus mission rather than a fully fledged expansion to the base game.

Legend of Beowulf DLC Information

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Legend of Beowulf is a three quest mission available to players who have the Season Pass for Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Unlike the two other DLCs planned for release, Legend of Beowulf is only a short bonus mission that lets you explore more of the areas you can get to in the base game, rather than an extensive expansion on things already available.

New Creature?

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Taking place in England shortly after you establish your settlement in Ravensthorpe, you will quickly get a good grasp of the situation once you decide to begin the DLC. Many freshly dead corpses are found covered in moss, and its left up to you to uncover the mysteries of these deaths, all of which are closely linked to a storied new creature.

Same Locations

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As the DLC does not add more than just a few quests for the base game, you will find yourself exploring in areas you may have already previously explored or encountered in the game. Nonetheless, the addition of the DLCs content will make visits to these places have a twist in them for renewed enjoyment.

Legend of Beowulf Walkthrough

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For a full walkthrough on all three quests for the Legend of Beowulf, check out our guides below!

Legend of Beowulf Walkthrough

Assasin's Creed Valhalla Related Links

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Wrath of the Druids Siege of Paris
Legend of Beowulf


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