How to Switch Battle Views

In RPG MAKER WITH, you can choose how battles are displayed: from the side or a front view (first-person) perspective. Keep reading to find out how to customize your game’s combat experience!

how to switch battle views top

In RPG MAKER WITH, you can choose how battles are displayed: from the side or a front view (first-person) perspective. Keep reading to find out how to customize your game’s combat experience!

How to Switch Battle Views

Change the Perspective of Combat in Your Game

side view

In RPG MAKER WITH, the side view battle mode shows characters and enemies from a side angle giving you a view of the party's sprites in formation, just like in Final Fantasy and other traditional RPGs.

front view

Meanwhile, the front-view battle mode shows the fight from the protagonist's point of view. You don't see sprites on the screen; instead, you only see the enemies directly in front of you, similar to battles in RPGs like the MOTHER trilogy and Linda Cube.

How to Make Enemies

Switch Battle Views Through the Database

To switch your battle perspective between the front view and side view modes in battle, press the ZL Button and select Go to Database. The Database Screen will appear.


From the Database, go to Screen, choose Battle, and select either Front View or Side View.

The Front View option is set by default. If you choose Side View, you need to change the alignment of enemies and move them to the left side so that the party and enemies can be viewed in formation during battles.

To do this, go to Troops, select an enemy troop from the list, choose the layout, and start moving the enemy characters from the screen.

To see the changes quickly, let's do a Battle Test. Select Battle Test in the same tab.

The Battle Test window will appear, here you can test character levels and pit them against enemies. Press Ok to start the test.

Success! The enemies and the party are side by side.

Creating Your Main Character and Party Members

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