Creating Inns and Shops

RPG MAKER WITH's Event Commands allows quick creation of NPCs in shops and inns. Read on to learn more about creating these NPCs via Event Commands.

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RPG MAKER WITH's event commands allow quick creation of NPCs in shops and inns. Read on to learn more about creating these NPCs via event commands.

What are Inns and Shops?

Provides Goods and Services to Players


Inns and shops are important parts of any RPG. They provide players with ways to recover their health and buy items or equipment. For instance, you can buy stronger weapons in villages to make fights easier.

Meanwhile, inns provide players with a way to recover the party's HP and MP. Your players primarily rely on these locations to recover after enemy battles and provide them with stronger and better gear for future fights.

How to Create Inns and Shops

Creating an Inn With a Quick Event


On your "Map Editor" screen, press the ZL Button and select "Map List."

Pick where you want to put your inn NPC.

Select your inn.

Press the ZL Button again and select "Quick Event Creation."

Move your cursor to the "Inns" section. Here, you can change the image of the NPC and the price for replenishing your party's HP and MP.

After editing the image and price, press the X Button and select OK.

Test your inn by playtesting the game. Press the + Button and save your progress.

Creating a Shop


To create your shop's NPC, go to the Map List.

Move your cursor to the shop's map, and press the A Button.

Once in your shop, place the cursor where you want to put the NPC.

Press the ZL Button and select "Create New Event."

Go to the "Images" option and select the appearance of your NPC.

Once you are done, move the cursor to the "Event Details" option. Press the A Button, which allows you to enter and edit commands.

From the Event Details screen, move your cursor to the "Scene Control" option.

From here, select "Shop Processing" and press the A Button. This will open up the Shop Processing screen. In this screen, you can add items or set the NPC to buy or not to buy items from your party.

For now, select the + icon and press the A Button. This will open up the "Set Merchandise" screen.

Here, you can set the item to be sold and change its price. In this example, the item chosen is a "Wooden Staff" and its price is set to Standard.

Once you are done setting the item and its price, press the X Button and select OK. You can add more items by selecting the + icon.

Once you set all the items and their prices for your shop, press the X Button and select OK.

Once you are done, playtest the shop by pressing the + Button. Save the changes and check if the event is working.

Things to Remember When Making Inns and Shops

Use "Counter" to Talk With NPCs Behind Objects

If there is an object between you and the NPC on the map, make sure that it is set to "Counter: Yes." This allows you to initiate a conversation even when there is an object between you and the NPC.

Use the Show Text Command to Add Dialogue to NPCs

From the Event Details section, select the "Messages" option and select "Show Text." Here, you can edit the NPC's face, dialogue, and name.

RPG MAKER WITH Related Guides


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Core Guides
Beginner's Guide Part 1 Beginner's Guide Part 2
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How to Make an NPC How to Playtest for Beginners
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Tips and Tricks
Map, Event, and Switch Naming Tips How to Use the Flood Fill Tool

Intermediate Guide - RPG MAKER WITH

Advanced Guide - RPG MAKER WITH

Basic Information - RPG MAKER WITH


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