Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

How to Unlock Hitman Job: Skills and Abilities

A guide to the Hitman Job in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8), including all skills, abilities, stats, and how to unlock.

How to Unlock the Hitman Job

Job How to Unlock
Hitman Initial Job (Chapter 13)

You can acquire the Hitman Job when you reach a certain Chapter or when a certain member joins your party!

Characters Who Can Change Jobs to Hitman

Job Available Character
Hitman Joongi Han

The Hitman Job is an Exclusive Job to Joongi Han. It cannot be equipped to any other party member.

Hitman Skills

Skill Information
Crescent Slash
MP: 15 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blade | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Light | Effect: -
Attacks an enemy with Joongi's blade. Has a chance to cause bleed, while a back attack guarantees a critical hit.
Rapid Shot
MP: 15 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Bullet | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Medium | Effect: -
Joongi wields his firearms akimbo with a high critical chance.
Stun Smash
MP: 15 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt, Electric | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Medium | Effect: -
Retrieving a handy stun gun, Joongi damages an enemy, with a high chance of causing paralysis.
Cheap Shot
MP: 20 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Medium | Effect: -
Joongi charges in on a single enemy. Never misses, ignores guard, and applies your weapon's attributes.
Sleeping Powder
MP: 30 | Type: Attack | Attribute: - | Range: Enemy Area | Power: - | Effect: -
High chance of causing enemies to sleep, using another reliable tool in Joongi's arsenal.
Divine Shot
MP: 30 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Bullet | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Light | Effect: -
Joongi fires in a sweeping spread, damaging enemies with a high likelihood of a critical hit.
Silencing Slash
MP: 25 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blade | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Light | Effect: -
Wounds an enemy with Joongi's blade. Has a chance to cause silence, while a back attack guarantees a critical hit.
Poison Shot
MP: 30 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Bullet | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Heavy | Effect: -
A flashy and certainly illegal technique which damages an enemy and has a high chance of poisoning them.
Point Blank
MP: 30 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Heavy | Effect: -
Damages an enemy with a heart punch, applying your weapon's attributes and possibly causing an instant KO.
Professional Slash
MP: | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blade | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Medium | Effect: -
Mutilates an enemy with Joongi's blade. Has a chance of causing fear, while a back attack guarantees a critical hit and an additional strike.
Essence of Trick Shots
MP: 60 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Bullet | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Heavy to Extreme | Effect: -
Damages enemies, although fewer targets permit Joongi greater focus and a higher critical chance.
Essence of Mirror Image
MP: 45 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blade | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Extreme | Effect: -
Drive an enemy to the depths of true terror, damaging them with a chance to greatly raise Joongi's Evasion.

Hitman Stats and Resistances

Basic Info

Icon Hitman
Character Joongi Han
Weapon Knuckles
Subname Expedient Kill Machine
Job Description An exclusive job for Joongi, wielding an arsenal of tools to make quick work of targets.

Stat Changes

HP ★★☆☆☆ MP ★★★★☆
Attack ★★★☆☆ Defense ★★☆☆☆
Magic ★★★☆☆ Willpower ★★☆☆☆
Agility ★★★★★ - -


Blunt ImageBlunt Blade ImageBlade Bullet ImageBullet Fire ImageFire Ice ImageIce Electric ImageElectric
- - - - - -

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth Related Guides

List of Jobs Partial.png

List of All Jobs

All Jobs

All Jobs
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Geodancer Housekeeper Kunoichi
Pyrodancer Action Star Host
Breaker Chef Idol
Hitman Barmaid Detective
Homeless Guy Gangster Night Queen
Assassin Linebacker Tennis Ace


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