Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

Battle System Guide: How to Win Battles

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Battle System Guide: How to Win Battles

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth features an RPG system that also allows you to move in combat. Check out this guide to learn more about the Battle System as well as various tips that can help you in battle.

Battle System Guide

RPG System with Movement

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - RPG System with Movement

The combat system for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth utilizes a command RPG system where you can select commands from the battle screen to attack enemies in combat. You can determine which party member or enemy will attack next as they will have the word NEXT beside their name.

In addition to the command system, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth allows you to move your character. The range at which your character can move will be limited to the blue circle surrounding them.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Movement Range

Since your character can move around, you can take advantage of this by attacking from certain positions to knockback enemies to certain locations such as close to an ally for a combo attack.

You can also aim to send enemies flying towards burning objects or explosive gas canisters for additional damage.

Your enemies can also move around

Since your character can move around during combat, this also applies for your enemies. While you may have positioned them in a way that renders them vulnerable, they may suddenly move around. Be prepared to alter your battle strategy since this may happen often.

Tips for Battle

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Increase Bond Levels

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Increase Bond Level

Spend time with your friends and increase your bond level to unlock more jobs and abilities. Leveling up your bond level also lets your friends use combo attacks, providing you with additional damage against enemies.

Raise Your Job Level

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Job Level

There are various jobs available in the game which let you learn skills when you increase the level of a job. By leveling up your job, you can further strengthen your character.

Deal More Damage with Ultimate Tag Team

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Ultimate Tag Team

Players can learn Ultimate Tag Team attacks by watching bonding dramas and can use these techniques in battle. These can be activated by pressing R2 when the gauge is full. When activated, a character can deal damage or provide buffs to allies.

Monitor The Bond Meter By Checking The Infinity Symbol

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Bond Gauge

During battle, the infinity symbol (∞) beside the icon of your team members serves as a bond gauge. If you see this icon filled up, you can activate the bond technique.

Use Area Attacks to Attack Multiple Enemies

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Area Attacks

There will be certain techniques that deal damage in an area which will be indicated by an arrow or circle icon. Players can use techniques that have an arrow icon on enemies that are lined up to deal damage to them more efficiently.

Position Your Team Accordingly

Proximity Bonus Combo Attack

Depending on your positioning in a battle, you can gain proximity bonuses or perform combo attacks. Combo attacks trigger when you are close to your allies and performing these deals more damage than usual.

Proximity bonuses let you deal extra damage to enemies that are just inside the blue circle or the range of your movement.

Attack Near Objects You Can Pick Up

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Attack near objects

As with previous games in the series, you can attack enemies with certain objects you find in the area. When you're close to an item you can use, a hand icon will appear which means you can attack with this object.

Look For The White Arrow Over Items

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - White Arrow Over Item

Items you can use will have a white arrow pointing to it. Attacking with these objects deal increased damage so it would be good to pick them up when you can.

Deal 1.5x Damage with Back Attack

Normal Attack Back Attack
72 damage dealt 108 damage dealt

If you can get behind an enemy before performing an attack, the damage dealt will be increased by 1.5x. Back attacks can only be executed when an enemy is not looking at you such as when an enemy is focused on a different member of your team.

Utilize the Knockback Direction

You can knockback enemies when you attack them and if there happens to be an ally in the trajectory of the knockback, they will automatically do an additional attack. Additionally, if you knockback an enemy into terrain, they will receive more damage.

Check The Knockback Direction With The Arrow At The Bottom Of The Screen

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Knockback arrow

When performing an attack that knocks an enemy back, there will be an arrow on the bottom of the screen that lets you know which direction the enemy will go.

Back Attack: Effects and Multiplier

Complete Quick Time Events in Combat

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - QTEs in combat

Performing certain attacks in combat will prompt a quick time event on the screen. While there are no penalties for missing these, successfully completing them will deal additional damage with your attack.

Look Out for Enemy Weaknesses

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Enemy Weakness

There will be enemies in the game that have weaknesses which you can target to deal increased damage. When attacking an enemy, look for the indicator like in the image above and strike with that type of attack.

You Can Lower Enemy Resistances

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Lower Enemy Resistances

There are certain abilities in the game that lower your enemy's resistance. An example of this is Eric Tomizawa's Scrubdown which lowers an enemy's resistance to electricity which you can then capitalize on by dealing attacks with electricity.

Call on Poundmates in Critical Situations

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Poundmates

Kasuga can call on Poundmates to help during battle which are powerful but also quite pricey. Depending on which character you call, they can either perform a single powerful attack or fight alongside you for a few turns.

Money is very important in this game so while we don't recommend using this often, it can be useful in more dire situations.

Consider Leveling Up

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Level Up

Given the nature of RPG games, if you are having a difficult time fighting enemies or progressing the game, it would be good to level up. Along with leveling up, there are also various jobs you can take on which let you gain various skills later on.

While it is possible to play this game without leveling up, doing so can help make your experience more fun and manageable.

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