Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

Chapter 1: Doin' the Best I Can Story Walkthrough and Guide

Chapter Chapter 1 Doin

This is a story walkthrough guide on Chapter 1: Doin' the Best I Can of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Learn more about the objectives of this chapter, best team setup, tips for completion, as well as battle strategies!

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Chapter 1: Doin' the Best I Can Walkthrough Guide

Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Chapter Walkthrough
Chapter 1 Seiryu Clan HQ

Go to an eatery marked on the map. Head down the alley, turn left twice, and follow the road until you reach the red Vending Machine. Note that you won't be able to explore the world yet on this part!

You will encounter your very first opponent, Sasaki, after passing the Vending Machine. Follow the instructions on the screen and learn how the combat works in the game!
Battle System Guide: How to Win Battles

After several cutscenes, you will get an option to Head to Work or Reminisce. Choosing any option won't affect the game in any way, but choosing to Reminisce will let you know a bit of the characters Kasuga is praying respects for.
Head over to Hello Work by following the quest markers on the map.

You will hear a lady screaming near Hello Work on the sidewalk. You can choose from two options on how to interact with her, which will increase your one of your Personality stats.

1. Tell her to ease up on the drinks - Passion +30
2. Lend her a shoulder - Kindness +30
Personality Level: Details and Level Effects

After interacting with the lady, head upstairs of Hello Work and go to your cubicle. A bunch of cutscenes will play showing your day at work after!

Go to Survive after the cutscenes by following the quest markers again. You can grab a Supreme Herb in front of you after getting the controls back.

You will encounter several Street Thugs on the way to Survive. You will learn a few more battle tips as you fight them. Defeat them and continue your way to Survive!
Battle System Guide: How to Win Battles

Take a taxi and to get to Survive faster. To do this, open the map, look for a Car Icon, and go over there to call for one. You can also use your Phone to get a taxi quickly.

It is entirely optional, and you can just run around the city to reach Survive, but you might encounter enemies on the way.

Several cutscenes will play after reaching Survive. You will be with your friends after finishing all of them, deciding what to do to prepare for a date. The first thing to do is to choose an option on how to wait for your date.

1. Sit and act natural - Fashion +30
2. Stand and pose - Passion +30
Personality Level: Details and Level Effects

Next is to decide which food to eat.

1. Go for the usual beef bowl - Mentality +30
2. Be brave and eat spice level 100 curry - Passion +30
Personality Level: Details and Level Effects

Going on a date requires having a good outfit to wear. Decide which look you're going for.

1. Go for the organic look - Intelligence +30
2. Go for some razzle dazzle - Fashion +30
Personality Level: Details and Level Effects

Rest at home once finished preparing for the date. Call for a taxi to travel quickly to your house.

It's time for the date, but her date, Sa-chan or Saeko, wants to go for a smoke for now. However, Kasuga seems to have misunderstood her intent.

1. Be like Nanba and tell her how you feel - Charisma +30
2. Be like Adachi and play it cool - Passion +30
Personality Level: Details and Level Effects

As you smoke with Sa-chan, talk about Nanba or Adachi to keep the conversation going.

1. Talk about Nanba - Charisma +30
2. Talk about Adachi - Kindness +30
Personality Level: Details and Level Effects

Next is to go to a restaurant, but you encountered a problem with the menu as it's hard to read it even for Saeko. You can decide how to respond to the situation.

1. Be like Nanba and just move on - Charisma +30
2. Be like Adachi and cover for her - Confidence +30
Personality Level: Details and Level Effects

You run into another trouble as you both walk the street. Any action you choose would eventually lead to a fight. Saeko will join the fight and you can both work as a team.

1. A guy like Nanba: real down-to-earth - Kindness +30
2. A guy like adachi: cool and stylish - Intelligence +30
Personality Level: Details and Level Effects

Defeat the Threating Men to progress. Auto-Battle will be unlocked at this point, and you can use it to fight the enemies automatically without doing the commands. Note that you can still fight manually if you want to!

More cutscenes will start after the fight. Once done with them, go to the Club to apologize. There are a lot of enemies on the way, but you can try to evade them by going through a different route.

There will be a one-year time skip, and you will start inside Hello Work. You will need to say farewell now to your coworkers as you will be quitting your job. Your job will change to a Freelancer after that.

Head home and contact Adachi after saying goodbye. Defeat the enemies you will face on the way home.

Go to Hello Work and then to Sasaki's apartment the next day. You're job will change from Freelancer to Hero after getting into the apartment and some cutscenes.

Fight and defeat the Street Thugs as you try to head to Seiryu Clan HQ. Go to a Weapons and Armors shop nearby to upgrade your loadout after the fight. Try to get gear enough for three people and equip them to your party.

Go to Seiryu Clan HQ after buying enough gear for your characters. Examine the entrance once you get there and then you will be instructed to buy a Bottled Sake (¥1000) for the chief to help you infiltrate the base.

Buy recovery items while you're in the convenience store (or nearby shops) to prepare for the upcoming battle.

Give the chief the Bottled Sake and follow him in the sewer. He will guide you to a secret entrance to the Seiryu Clan HQ.

Seiryu Clan HQ Walkthrough

Chapter Walkthrough
Chapter 1 Seiryu Clan HQ

Follow the path inside the sewer to get to the Seiryu Clan HQ. You can open up the map to know where to go!

There are a lot of items you can loot before heading to the Seiryu Clan HQ, so take your time to grab them.

Prepare for a fight against Lowlifes after climbing the ladder near the bridge. Continue on your way once they are defeated.

There are more enemies in the next area, but some of them can be avoided. You can choose to fight them if you want to level up and get a few more items.
How to Level Up Fast: Best Way to Gain EXP

Head up using the ladder marked on the map to reach the HQ. You will face enemies as you exit from the sewer so better heal up to prepare for the fight.

Head up the fire exit at the corner to get to the next floor. You will have to defeat two waves of enemies before you can continue progress.

Use the stairs at the end of the hallway near the elevator to get to the next floor. You will be stopped by another group of enemies at the top. Defeat them and go to the following rooms until you reach the quest marker, which is the Boss's Room.

Heal up and check your gear before entering the Boss's Room to ensure that you can win your very first Boss Fight against Kuwaki.
After depleting Kuwaki's HP to around 40%, a Quick Time Event (QTE) will initiate and you have to press the indicated button to dodge the attack. The battle will resume normally after this.

Defeat Kuwaki to end Chapter 1 and unlock Chapter 2: Paradise, Hawaiian Style.

Tips For Clearing Chapter 1: Doin' the Best I Can

Call For a Taxi to Fast Travel

Like a Dragon - Call For a Taxi to Fast Travel

You can get a taxi in some designated parts of the city, or you can use your Phone to call for one. This will help you travel around the city quickly and avoid the enemies. However, note that riding a taxi will cost you money, so make sure you have some spare!

Don't Use Auto-Battle Against Stronger Enemies

Like a Dragon - Don

Auto-Battle will be unlocked around the middle part of Chapter 1, during your date with Saeko. Try not to rely on it too much, especially against stronger enemies, as you might suffer more damage from them.

Battle System Guide: How to Win Battles

Buy Items Before Going to Seiryu Clan HQ

Like a Dragon - Buy Items Before Going to Seiryu Clan HQ

Buy items for your party at the last stretch of Chapter 1 as you will face your first boss in the game at the end. You should buy gear and recovery items enough for three people to make a smooth raid inside the Seiryu Clan HQ.

Use Skills to Defeat Enemies Quickly

Like a Dragon - Use Skills to Defeat Enemies Quickly

Try not to save MP and use Skills to defeat enemies quickly, especially against Kuwaki. You will be able to kill them before your MP gets depleted.

Loot All Items on the Way

Like a Dragon - Loot All Items on the Way

You can find tons of items in the city and inside the Seiryu Clan HQ. Pick them up once you see them to get resources that may help you progress in the game!

Features that Unlock in Chapter 1

Collecting Items

LAD IW - Collecting Items

There will be yellow-glowing areas that can be found at vending machines or trash cans that can be interacted with to get money and items. You may also get items that are valuable and can be exchanged for cash.


The Playlist app will be added to your smartphone and will allow you to listen to music and the radio after finishing Substory #1. You can unlock more songs as you progress the game.

How to Unlock Chapter 1: Doin' the Best I Can

Unlocked by Default

Like a Dragon - Unlocked by Default

Chapter 1 officially starts after you defeat Sasaki near a vending machine at the start. It doesn't have any requirements, aside from beating Sasaki.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Related Guides

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Main Story Walkthrough Partial Banner

Main Story Walkthrough

Chapter List

Like a Dragon - Chapter 1 - Doin the Best I CanChapter 1: Doin' the Best I Can Like a Dragon - Chapter 2 - Paradise Hawaiian StyleChapter 2:
Paradise, Hawaiian Style
Like a Dragon - Chapter 3 - The FoolChapter 3:
The Fool
Like a Dragon - Chapter 4 - In the GhettoChapter 4:
In the Ghetto
LaD Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8) - Chapter 5 Suspicious MindsChapter 5: Suspicious Minds LaD Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8) - Chapter 6 Puppet on a StringChapter 6: Puppet on a String
Like a Dragon - Chapter 7 TroubleChapter 7: Trouble Like a Dragon - Chapter 8 Return to SenderChapter 8: Return to Sender
Like a Dragon - Chapter 9 Hard Headed WomanChapter 9: Hard Headed Woman Like a Dragon - Chapter 10 DonChapter 10: Don't Be Cruel
LAD IW - Chapter 11 Partial BannerChapter 11: Devil in Disguise LAD IW - Chapter 12 Partial BannerChapter 12: For Ol' Times Sake
LAD IW - Chapter 13 Partial BannerChapter 13: Promised Land LAD Infinite Wealth - Ch14Finale: If I Can Dream


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