Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

All Pawn Shop Locations: Where to Sell Items

LAD IW - All Pawn Shop Locations
In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8), you can only sell your items in pawn shops. Find out all pawn shop locations and inventories, where to sell items, and recommended items to buy in the pawn shops in this guide.

All Honolulu Pawn Shop Locations

These are all the pawn shops located in Honolulu; all of them are Treasure Select Pawn branches.

  1. Treasure Select Pawn (Hula Ave.)
  2. Treasure Select Pawn (River Street)
  3. Treasure Select Pawn (Anaconda)
  4. Treasure Select Pawn (Chinatown)

Treasure Select Pawn (Hula Ave.)

Item Rarity/Type Stat/Effect Price
Safe KeySafe Key Other ・Keys to open safes, containers, etc. $100.00
Intoxication BombIntoxication Bomb Battle ・May cause a group of enemies to get drunk and lower their fire resistance. $20.00
Suffocation BombSuffocation Bomb Battle ・May inflict silence on a group of enemies and lower their Agility. $20.00
Fulminous BombFulminous Bomb Battle ・May inflict blind on a group of enemies and lower their electricity resistance. $20.00
Smoke BombSmoke Bomb Battle ・High chance of escaping from battle. $10.00

Treasure Select Pawn (River Street)

Item Rarity/Type Stat/Effect Price
Safe KeySafe Key Other ・Keys to open safes, containers, etc. $300
Incendiary GrenadeIncendiary Grenade Battle ・Deals about 150 fire damage to enemies and leaves them more likely to get burnt. $10
Liquid Nitrogen SprayLiquid Nitrogen Spray Battle ・Deals about 150 ice damage to enemies and leaves them more likely to get a cold. $10
FlashbangFlashbang Battle ・Deals about 150 electric damage to enemies and leaves them more likely to be paralyzed. $10
Smoke BombSmoke Bomb Battle ・High chance of escaping from battle. $10
Street Surfer Paint (Red)Street Surfer Paint (Red) Other ・Changes the Street Surfer's body to a flashy red. $100
Street Surfer Wheels (Red)Street Surfer Wheels (Red) Other ・Flashy red wheels that catch the eye. $100

Treasure Select Pawn (Anaconda)

Item Rarity/Type Stat/Effect Price
Safe KeySafe Key Other ・Keys to open safes, containers, etc. $100
Rocket LauncherRocket Launcher Battle ・Deals about 300 fire damage to enemies. $100
Hallucinogenic BombHallucinogenic Bomb Battle ・May inflict fear on a group of enemies and lower their ice resistance. $20
Irritant BombIrritant Bomb Battle ・May inflict fear on a group of enemies and lower their Attack. $20
Smoke BombSmoke Bomb Battle ・High chance of escaping from battle. $10
Street Surfer Paint (Blue)Street Surfer Paint (Blue) Other ・Changes the Street Surfer's body to a cool blue. $100
Street Surfer Wheels (Blue)Street Surfer Wheels (Blue) Other ・Cool blue wheels that match the ocean. $100
Commemorative FootballCommemorative Football Accessory ・Greatly increases Job EXP obtained from battle $300
ChampionChampion's Grip Accessory ・Greatly increases Job EXP obtained from battle $300

Treasure Select Pawn (Chinatown)

Item Rarity/Type Stat/Effect Price
Sports ChokerSports Choker ★2
ATK +20
MAG +18
Cyber ChokerCyber Choker ★2
ATK +22
MAG +20
・Attacks and weapon skills may buff your critical hit rate
Modified FlashbangModified Flashbang Battle ・Deals about 300 electric damage to enemies and leaves them more likely to be paralyzed $100.00
Modified Incendiary GrenadeModified Incendiary Grenade Battle ・Deals about 300 fire damage to enemies and leaves them more likely to get burnt $100.00
Modified Liquid Nitrogen SprayModified Liquid Nitrogen Spray Battle ・Deals about 300 ice damage to enemies and leaves them more likely to get a cold $100.00
Safe KeySafe Key Other ・Keys to open safes, containers, etc. $100.00
Smoke BombSmoke Bomb Battle ・High chance of escaping from battle. $10.00
Street Surfer Battery Pack yStreet Surfer Battery Pack y Other ・Battery pack that increases the charge capacity of the Street Surfer $1,500.00

All Yokohama Pawn Shop Locations

These are all the pawn shops located in Yokohama, Japan.

  1. Ebisu Pawn Yokohama
  2. Benten Pawn

Ebisu Pawn Yokohama

Item Rarity/Type Stat/Effect Price
Safe KeySafe Key Other ・A key that lets you open a safe or container that's locked. $10,000.00
Rocket LauncherRocket Launcher Battle ・Deals about 300 fire damage to enemies. $10,000.00
Smoke BombSmoke Bomb Battle ・High chance of escaping from battle. $1,000.00

Benten Pawn

Item Rarity/Type Stat/Effect Price
BaseballBaseball Battle ・Deals 150 gun damage to enemy and makes them susceptible to stun $500.00
Smoke BombSmoke Bomb Battle ・High chance of escaping from battle. $1,000.00

Where to Sell Items

Pawn Shops Only

The places where you can only sell items are in pawn shops only. Unlike other shops and stores, you'll get an option to sell items or equipment when talking to the pawn shop vendors.

Recommended Items from Pawn Shops

Pawn shops have a good variety of stock, but in the early game, you'll mostly want to spend your money on the throwables that damage enemies in an area.

  1. Buy Throwables with Area of Effect Damage
  2. Hold Off on Buying Street Surfer Battery Pack γ
  3. Safe Keys are Also Low Priority

Buy Throwables with Area of Effect Damage

Item Effect Price
Incendiary GrenadeIncendiary Grenade ・Deals about 150 fire damage to enemies and leaves them more likely to get burnt. $10
Liquid Nitrogen SprayLiquid Nitrogen Spray ・Deals about 150 ice damage to enemies and leaves them more likely to get a cold. $10
FlashbangFlashbang ・Deals about 150 electric damage to enemies and leaves them more likely to be paralyzed. $10

These are the recommended items to buy in the pawn shops. All of them deal 150 area of effect (AoE) damage and are cheap to buy; they're especially useful against crowned enemies and other brawls with weaker groups of enemies.

All of these items are located in the Treasure Select Pawn branch in River Street, located along the river east of Honolulu.

Hold Off on Buying Street Surfer Battery Pack γ

Street Surfer Battery Pack yStreet Surfer Battery Pack γ
Price: $1,500.00

In Chapters 3 and 4, you'll frequently need to spend money on weapons and armor, so hold off on buying the Street Surfer Battery Pack γ until later. Save your money by walking or taking a taxi to get to your destination instead of using the segway.

Street Surfer Segway Can be Obtained in a Substory

Map NPC Location
Exact Map Location West Aloha Beach, Honolulu
Aloha Beach
How to Start the Substory Chapter 3
・Approach Oka the inventor of the Street Surfer

The location above were confirmed by the walkthrough team.

Substory 6: Surfin' the Streets Rewards

Safe Keys are Also Low Priority

Safe KeySafe Key
Price: $100.00

Safe Keys can be purchased from many of the pawn shops. However, you can also obtain them from defeating bosses and crowned enemies, so there's no need to actually buy them.

Save your money by not buying Safe Keys, especially in the early game.

How to Get Safe Keys and Where to Use Them

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Related Guides

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News & Game Info

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