Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

Chapter 7: Trouble Story Walkthrough

Chapter Chapter 7 Trouble Walkthrough

This is a story walkthrough guide on Chapter 7: Trouble of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8). Learn more about the objectives of this chapter, best team setup, tips for completion, as well as battle strategies!

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Chapter 7: Trouble Walkthrough Guide

Chapter 7 Walkthrough

Right off the bat, you'll be dropped into a fight with Yutaka Yamai. Prioritize eliminating his minions first by using AoE attacks. Yutaka Yamai is weak to water and resistant to fire so exploit this accordingly.
Talk to your party members. When you've finished talking to everyone, you'll receive a phone call.
Head to the beach where Adachi and Nanba will join your party. You should have five party members now, so you'll have to choose one to leave on standby.
All Characters and Voice Actors List
Proceed to Night Square. You can take a cab to the West Anaconda Shopping Center to get there quickly.
Once you arrive, go to the tattoo shop.
After a quick cutscene, you'll get into a fight against the Yamai Syndicate.
Proceed to the Theater Building. Before you enter, it's recommended to be at least level 26 and have 3★ equipment.
How to Level Up Fast: Best Way to Gain EXP
Money Farming Guide: How to Get Money Fast
When you're ready, enter the Theater Building. But before you can go inside, you'll have to fight more members of the Yamai Syndicate.
Once inside, head to the top floor. You'll have to fight your way through some enemies.

You'll need to find the master key to proceed. It can be found on top of a shelf in the room in the middle of the map.
Open the locked door that leads to the top floor and climb up the stairs.
Save your progress, restore your HP, and prepare for the boss fight ahead.
It's time for a rematch with Yutaka Yamai. Use the same tactics when you fought him at the start of the chapter. Deal with his minions first and then exploit his weakness to water.
After some cutscenes, Kiryu and Nanba will leave the party. Head to the orphanage for the final fight of this chapter.
Defeat Hayes and Matthews to clear Chapter 7.

Tips For Clearing Chapter 7: Trouble

Prepare in Advance in Chapter 6

At the very start of Chapter 7, you will be dropped in a boss fight. If you can, try to prepare for this at the end of Chapter 6.

Chapter 6: Puppet on a String

Find the Master Key

The Master Key can open several locked doors in the map, not just the way to the top floor. Try to make your way to the room in the middle and get it before exploring the map!

Save Money by Investing in Nanba's Magic Stat

If you're using Nanba in your party, try to pump his Magic stat to 200. If he has high enough Magic, he can restore around 250 HP per heal. This should allow you to spend your money somewhere else instead of healing items!

All Characters and Voice Actors List

Prepare for the Theater Building

Before you enter the Theater Building, make sure you are at least level 26 and have 3★ equipment. At this point in the game, you may start seeing 4★ equipment so take the time to explore!

How to Level Up Fast: Best Way to Gain EXP

Prioritize Minions Before Bosses

In fights where you have to face bosses and their minions, you should always deal with the small fry first using AoE attacks. This way, you'll have less enemies to deal with and you can gang up on the boss later.

Features that Unlock in Chapter 7

Tagging Out

LAD Infinite Wealth - Tagging Out.png

Your party members have increased, but you can only bring out 4 at a time during a battle, making the others put on standby. Luckily, you can swap out teammates during battle by choosing Etc. then Tag Out. You can also swap out party members freely from the Pause Menu.

How to Unlock Chapter 7: Trouble

Complete Chapter 6: Puppet on a String

LaD Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8) - Complete Chapter 6: Puppet on a String

To unlock Chapter 7, finish Chapter 6: Puppet on a String. Chapter 7 starts with a boss fight so it's recommended to prepare for it near the end of Chapter 6!

Chapter 6: Puppet on a String Story Walkthrough

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