Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

Dondoko Farm Guide

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Dondoko Farm Guide

In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8), you can unlock various facilities and find collectables in Dondoko Farm. Read on to learn how to unlock Dondoko Farm and its facilities and see a list of collectables you can find.

How to Unlock Dondoko Farm

Available Upon Reaching Resort Rank 2

LAD IW - 2 star island

Upon reaching Resort Rank 2, players will be able to unlock Dondoko Farm. At the farm, you can collect specialty items, get Sujimon to work for Dondoko Bucks and resources while also earning EXP for your Sujimon fighters.

How to Raise Resort Level to 5 Stars

List of Collactables and Where to Find

Jump to a Section
Dondoko Farm Rest Area Dondoko Farm Plaza Love 'n' Peace Beach

Dondoko Farm

Dondoko Farm Map
List of Collectables in Dondoko Farm
Red Dondo BugRed Dondo Bug GnatGnat Silver SingerSilver Singer
SpiderSpider Silver SpinnerSilver Spinner ScorpionScorpion
Golden GreathornGolden Greathorn MothMoth Blue ButterflyBlue Butterfly
Sea BreamSea Bream SalmonSalmon HumuhumunukunukuapuaHumuhumu-nukunuku-apua'a
CrawfishCrawfish MarlinMarlin

Rest Area

Rest Area Map
List of Collectables in the Rest Area
Dondoko MushroomDondoko Mushroom CoralCoral CoralSolid Bronze Baby Bella
Solid Silver ShiitakeSolid Silver Shiitake Solid Gold TruffleSolid Gold Truffle Toxic ShroomToxic Shroom
OarfishOarfish SquidSquid ScorpionfishScorpionfish
Bluefin TunaBluefin Tuna SquidAweoweo

Dondoko Farm Plaza

Dondoko Farm Plaza Map
List of Collectables in Dondoko Farm Plaza
Green Dondo BugGreen Dondo Bug Big CBig C Dinosaur(?) FossilDinosaur(?) Fossil
Gold OreGold Ore Yeti(?) FossilYeti(?) Fossil Raw Sapphire OreRaw Sapphire Ore
Raw Diamond OreRaw Diamond Ore

Love 'n' Peace Beach

List of Collectables in Love 'n' Peace Beach
DragonflyDragonfly Silver DragonflySilver Dragonfly LocustLocust
LAD IW - Silver LocustSilver Locust PearlPearl Golden SupernovaGolden Supernova

List of Facilities at Dondoko Farm

Match Sujimon to the Appropriate Work

LAD IW - Dondoko Farm Sujimon Attributes

In Sujimon's workshop, by setting Sujimon according to the attributes of each task, it will be easier to achieve great success or super success. If you don't have enough Sujimon, try scouting them in Hawaii.

By assigning Sujimon to work at facilities that match their attributes, there is a higher chance to achieve great success or super success. If you don't have enough Sujimon, you can always head back to Hawaii and collect more.

Sujimon Guide: How to Play and Recruit Sujimon


Sujimon assigned to the workshop can work to earn you Dokobucks. Up until you reach Resort Rank 5, you can use this to earn Dokobucks and supplement your income.

List of Course Types

Course Type Sujimon Type Time Required (Minutes) Expected Dokobucks Earned
Lickety Split Blaze SujimonBlaze 10:00 20,000
Hyperfocused Frost SujimonFrost 20:00 45,000
Slow & Steady Nature SujimonNature 30:00 100,000
Mastercrafting Light SujimonLight 60:00 300,000

Crop Patches

Sujimon assigned to the Crop Patches can collect various crops and vegetables for you. You can select up to three types of crops to be collected which depend on the type of the Sujimon chosen.

Course Type Time Required (Minutes)
Greenhorn Gardening 10:00
Casual Cultivation 20:00
Aggressive Agriculture 30:00
Dondoko A-Grow-Go 60:00

Recycling Center

Sujimon assigned to the Recycling Center will collect the appropriate resources for you. If you want to collect resources in a well-balanced manner, choose the Material Gathering Course and if you have a specific resource you want to collect, you can choose the other courses.

Course Type Sujimon Type Time Required (Minutes) Acquired Materials / Quantity
Insane Incineration Blaze SujimonBlaze 10:00
Refuse, Reuse! Light SujimonLight 20:00
Semiconductor Salvage Shadow SujimonShadow 30:00 Semiconductors
Mounds o' Materials Frost SujimonFrost 40:00
Natural Goods Nature SujimonNature 30:00

Training Spot

Sujimon assigned to the Training Spot can gain experience in exchange for paying the necessary Dokobucks. Increasing your Sujimon's experience points will make it easier to defeat enemies.

Course Type Time Required (Minutes) Dokobucks Required Expected EXP Earned
Beginner Course 10:00 800 100

Interacting With Your Sujimon

LAD IW - Interacting With Your Sujimon

Improve your friendship with your Sujimon by using emotes. You can even deepen your bond further by talking to your Sujimon and praising them. Do note that only the leader can be praised and once an emote is used, you will need to wait a while to do it again.

Fend Off Pests

When pests arrive at Dondoko Farm, a local broadcast will be made. When you talk to Yui at Dondoko Farm Plaza, a Sujimon battle will begin, and once you defeat the pest the event will end.

Get Dondoko Meat Upon Defeating Pests

Dondoko Meat
Dondoko Meat

Sujimon Work Stops When Pests Are Present

When pests are present, Sujimon at their designated facilities won't be able to concentrate and will stop working. If the pests aren't dealt with by the end of the day, all work will be stopped and you will need to start over.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8) Related Guides

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Dondoku Island Partial Banner

Dondoko Island Guide: How to Unlock and Play

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