Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

Hawaiian Haunt Guide: How to Play and Rewards

LAD IW - Hawaiian Haunt Guide
Hawaiian Haunt is one of the dungeons in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8), unlockable in the middle of Chapter 5. Learn how to play and finish Hawaiian Haunt and its location in our guide!

How to Play and Finish Hawaiian Haunt

The main way to progress through Hawaiian Haunt is to find the elevators and go to the next floor. Here are some tips you need to know while exploring Hawaiian Haunt and other dungeons.

  1. Explore Dungeon Thoroughly for Rewards
  2. Party Members Will Notify You for Items Nearby
  3. Floors Where Missing Persons Appear are Fixed
  4. Utilize AoE Skills
  5. Running Out of HP Gets You Expelled
  6. Find Elevator to Exit Dungeon

Explore Dungeon Thoroughly for Rewards

LAD Infinite Wealth - Metalworm

It's possible to quickly rush through the dungeon by just finding the elevators to take you to the next floors. But if you take the time to explore every nook and cranny in a dungeon, you'll get a lot of rewards like money, experience, and other unique items, allowing you to greatly improve your party.

Party Members Will Notify You for Items Nearby

If there's an item nearby, a party member will let you know in a dialogue pop-up, so try to search the surrounding area for the item. If no pop-up appears, you can safely proceed through an area.

Floors Where Innocent Missing Persons Appear are Fixed

In all dungeons, the floors where you'll find the victim are fixed; they will always appear on 2F, 4F, 6F, 8F, and 9F. Remember this tip if you want to collect Robo Disks efficiently.

Utilize AoE Skills

You'll encounter a lot of groups of enemies in these dungeons. Having multiple characters with Area of Effect (AoE) skills will make clearing these mobs much faster, so make sure to prepare if you're going to grind in the dungeons. Consider switching jobs to get these skills if necessary.
Best Jobs and Skills for All Characters

Running Out of HP Gets You Expelled from Dungeon

If Kasuga runs out of HP, you'll fail and will be forced to leave the dungeon. If you haven't reached a save point such as the one in the 5th floor, the floors you climbed will get reset, so be careful.

You'll Be Expelled with 1 HP

LAD IW - Recovery Spot
If you get expelled out of the dungeon, you wil be revived outside with 1 HP. Make sure to use the nearby recovery spot after your defeat.

Note that unlike normal battles, you won't have to worry about losing money from getting expelled from a dungeon.

Find Elevator to Advance and Exit Dungeon

To finish a dungeon, you simply need to keep finding the elevators until you arrive to where the boss enemies are.

This is also the way to leave a dungeon if you no longer want to continue; you'll need to find the elevator for the next floor, since you won't be able to exit through where you entered.

If You're Not Confident, Save Before Entering a Dungeon

If you're going to challenge a dungeon but are not confident you'll win, save before entering the dungeon. If you want to quit midway through the dungeon, you can just load your save from before entering, instead of having to search for the elevator.

How to Unlock Hawaiian Haunt

Unlocked in the Middle of Chapter 5

You'll encounter Hawaiian Haunt as your first dungeon in the middle of the Chapter 5 main story. Use this dungeon to level up before fighting the powerful boss in Chapter 6 and to collect 3★ equipment.

Hawaiian Haunt Rewards

There are a lot of rewards in the Hawaiian Haunt dungeon, so make sure to explore a lot and find the special enemies to make the most out of your dungeon runs.

  1. Weapon Materials and Equipment
  2. Receive Lots of EXP
  3. Good Money Farming Method

Weapon Materials and Equipment

Activity Items Obtained
Defeat Enemy ・Weapon Upgrade Materials
・Robo Disks
・Safe Key
・Sujidex Entries
Pick Up Items ・Weapon Crafting Materials
・Robo Disks
・Recovery Items and other Consumables
Clear Dungeon ・Various equipment

In dungeons like Hawaiian Haunt, you can obtain various rewards by picking up items and defeating enemies. You can also receive powerful equipment as reward for clearing the dungeon, so it's worth grinding here if you're willing to.

Robo Disks can be Exchanged for Weapon Crafting Materials

You'll get Robo Disks by helping the missing persons in the dungeon, as well as for clearing a floor.

Robo Disks are exclusive to dungeons and can be exchanged for weapon crafting materials, soundtrack CDs, Dondoko Island recipes, and more.

Receive Lots of EXP

Dungeons are a great place to raise your level, as you'll find crowned enemies, which gives lots of experience points, as well as metalworms, which gives a lot of job experience points.

Use ranged attacks and damaging battle items to get a lot of experience in a short time.

How to Level Up Fast: Best Way to Gain EXP

Good Money Farming Method

Item Effect
Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Lucky CharmLucky Money Charm ・Increases money obtained from battle by 1.1x
Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Nouveau Riche CrownNouveau Riche Crown ・Increases money obtained from battle by 1.2x

Crowned enemies not only give experience points, but also drop a lot of money, making dungeons a good idea if you find yourself needing money. Make sure to equip the gears above, which increase money received in battle, to maximize farming efficiency.
Money Farming Guide

What to Exchange Robo Disks For

Shark Fin and Other Rare Crafting Materials

Shark FinShark Fin
Cost: 15000 Pts.
Rainbow CrystalRainbow Crystal
Cost: 250 Pts.
Beautiful SeashellBeautiful Seashell
Cost: 500 Pts.

The items above are the what you need to prioritize exchanging Robo Disks for in the Hawaiian Haunt Item Exchange.

Shark Fins are very rare materials that are necessary for creating high-end weapons, and exchanging with Robo Disks are one of the few ways you'll be able to get them.

Blueprints and Soundtrack CDs

You can also exchange Blueprints and Soundtrack CDs that can be used on Dondoko Island. However, these aren't necessary expenses, so don't prioritize them unless you have a lot of excess disks.

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