Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

Chapter 11: Devil in Disguise Story Walkthrough

Chapter Chapter 11 Devil in Disguise Walkthrough

This is a story walkthrough guide on Chapter 11: Devil in Disguise of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8). Learn more about the objectives of this chapter, best team setup, tips for completion, as well as battle strategies!

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Chapter 11: Devil in Disguise Walkthrough Guide

Chapter Walkthrough
Construction Zone Theater Building

Construction Zone

After the chapter's opening cutscene, talk to your party members.
Chitose will be gone from your party, so ask the tattoo lady for her whereabouts.
All Playable Characters and How to Unlock
Proceed to the Daidoji safe house to look for clues.
Go to Kiryu's hotel to find out more about Eiji.
Head to Club Guilty.
Defeat the gangsters outside of the club.
Enter Club Guilty and follow the quest marker downstairs. You'll go up against more gangsters after you open the door.
After a quick cutscene, you'll need to defeat more gangsters but Chitose will rejoin your party.
Head to the Theater Building. Before you enter, make sure you're at the recommended level of 35 or above and have 5★ equipment on your party.
How to Level Up Fast
Money Farming Guide
When you're ready, proceed inside but you'll first have to fight some members of the Yamai Syndicate.
Once you're inside the construction zone, more enemies from the Yamai Syndicate await. Keep following the quest marker but be wary of the enemies roaming around.
You'll eventually reach a flight of stairs that lead to the top. Prepare for a boss battle against a couple of excavators.
Chapter Walkthrough
Construction Zone Theater Building

Theater Building

Heal up and save your progress after the battle. Get ready for another boss fight then talk to Adachi when you're ready.

Koide and some goons of the Yamai Syndicate will get in the way. Your party will be split up and you'll have to fight two separate battles at once. Try to quickly wrap up the battle below on the stage to give Kasuga some assistance.
Follow the quest markers and defeat the enemies along the way.
You'll eventually arrive at a save point, so heal up and save your progress before moving on.
Take down the Barracuda Footsoldiers first before focusing on Haukea. Before you finish off Haukea, make sure you heal up for the next phase of the fight.
For the second phase, the room will be filled with poison gas. Break the Poison Gas Generators first to stop the poison, then focus fire on Eris. Defeat him to conclude the chapter.

Tips For Clearing Chapter 11: Devil in Disguise

Meet the Recommended Level and Equipment

Try to reach level 36 and have 5★ equipment for your party to comfortably get through the chapter. Dungeons are one of the best way to farm EXP and money this late into the game.

How to Level Up Fast: Best Way to Gain EXP

Focus on One Excavator

LAD Infinite Wealth - Ch11 Focus on One Excavator

During the fight against the two excavators, it's better to focus and quickly destroy one to prevent their combination attacks. There's no noticeable difference between the two so just pick one and burst it down.

Deal With Haukea's Minions First

LAD Infinite Wealth - Ch11 Deal With Haukea

In the fight against Haukea, prioritize taking down the minions first. Halfway through the battle, Eiji will buff them with stat boosts, making them significant threats.

Destroy the Poison Gas Generators First

LAD Infinite Wealth - Ch11 Destroy the Poison Gas Generators First
In the fight against Eris, you should destroy the Poison Gas Generators first to neutralize the poison. Make sure to keep the party healthy throughout the fight.

Recommended Party Setup

Below are the recommended characters and jobs to use for Chapter 11:

Recommended Party and Jobs
Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Ichiban IconIchiban Kasuga
LAD IW - Eric Tomizawa IconEric Tomizawa
Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Adachi IconKoichi Adachi

LAD IW - Chitose Fujinomiya IconChitose Fujinomiya

All Playable Characters and How to Unlock

How to Unlock Chapter 11: Devil in Disguise

Complete Chapter 10: Don't Be Cruel

LAD Infinite Wealth - Chapter 10: Don

To unlock Chapter 11, simply complete Chapter 10: Don't Be Cruel. The previous chapter is relatively short, so you might want to take some time to grind levels in this chapter if you rushed through Chapter 10.

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