Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

Substory #26: Anaconda Escape Guide and Rewards

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Substory #26: Anaconda Escape Guide and Rewards

This is a substory walkthrough guide for Anaconda Escape in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8). Learn more about the objectives of this substory, tips for completion, rewards, as well as strategies for completing this substory!

How to Unlock Anaconda Escape

Unlock Conditions and Location

Map NPC Location
Anaconda Escape
Exact Map Location Honolulu
Anaconda Shopping Center
How to Start the Substory Chapter 4
・This substory can be found on the second floor of the Anaconda Shopping Center.

The location above were confirmed by the walkthrough team.

Substory Rewards

・Safe Key

Substory #26: Anaconda Escape Walkthrough Guide

1 Approach the man in a blue shirt to begin a cutscene that starts this substory.
2 Select I'm ready! then Let's do this. from the dialogue to begin.
Head to the Anaconda PC near the starting point then select True.
Enter then plaza and interact with the Anaconda PC on the left. Select A hat shop.
Head to the right side of the plaza (opposite of the area where the previous PC was) and interact with the red container. Enter 8931 for the passcode.
Get the blue key from the bench in the middle.
Head to the area on the far right of the plaza as indicated on the map then open the blue chest to get the Ahi Poke.
8 Head towards the goal to finish this substory.

Fighting Enemies Loses 20 Seconds

If an enemy spots you, a battle will take place which loses you 20 seconds of time. Try to avoid fighting enemies as much as possible and aim to get to the goal before the timer expires.

Since there will be enemies all over the area, you will most likely have to take on a fight or two. This is fine since there is plenty of time given to complete this substory even if you need to take some time to fight enemies.

Substory Rewards

Opening Blue and Red Containers Increases Your Rewards

Conditions Met Rewards
Complete substory AND open red and blue containers ・Silver Plate x 2
・Safe Key x 1
Complete substory WITHOUT opening red and blue containers ・Silver Plate x 1
・Smoke Bomb x 1
Failure to get to the goal ・Silver Plate x 1

You can increase the rewards you get from completing this substory by opening red and blue containers as you make your way to the goal. By opening said containers, a safe key will be included among your rewards which can be used to open other containers.

Container Locations: Rewards and How to Unlock

Open The Red Container To Get Divine Water And Three Points

You can get Divine Water and three points from the red container by entering the code: 8931. Divine Water is an item that can restore 180 MP to an ally when used. If you don't pick this up along the way, you won't be able to go back for it.

Open The Blue Container To Get Ahi Poke And Two Points

If you open the blue container, you can get two points and an Ahi Poke. Ahi Poke restores 200 HP to an ally that consumes it.

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