Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

How to Unlock Action Star Job: Skills and Abilities

A guide to the Action Star Job in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8), including all skills, abilities, stats, and how to unlock.

How to Unlock the Action Star Job

Job How to Unlock
Action Star Parasailing Experience
Req.: Charisma Lv. 4
Price: $200

You can acquire the Action Star Job when you reach Alo-Happy Tours in Chapter 5 and unlock Job Changing. It requires you to have Charisma Lv. 4 first!

Characters Who Can Change Jobs to Action Star

Job Available Character
Action Star Male Party Member

The Action Star Job is a Generic Job that can be equipped by any Male member in your party.

Action Star Skills

Skill Information
Flying Dragon Kick
MP: 10 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Light | Effect: Knockback
A kung fu classic which damages an enemy and applies your weapon's attributes.
Heaven's Fall
MP: 10 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Light | Effect: Grapple
A twisting neck throw which damages an enemv and applies your weapon's attributes.
Rapid Dance Kick
MP: 15 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Medium | Effect: -
A flurry of crane kicks which damages an enemy and may increase your Agitity.
Swirling Dragon's Throw
MP: 30 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Bullet | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Light | Effect: -
A high-speed nunchaku toss which damages a line of enemies and applies your weapon's attributes.
Flying Monkey Strike
MP: 20 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Medium | Effect: Knockback
An expert rush of blows which never misses and ignores the enemy's guard.
Boulder Breaker
MP: 20 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Light | Effect: Knockback
A series of heavng strikes which damages an enemy and critically hits with each successful action prompt.
Drunken Fist
MP: 25 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Heavy | Effect: Grapple
A disorienting punch which damages an enemy, hitting harder the more inebriated you are. Increases your drunkenness.
Relentless Dragon's Dance
MP: 20 | Type: Support | Attribute: - | Range: Self Only | Power: - | Effect: -
A furious nunchaku display which doubles the damage of your next physical skill on the following turn.
Flailing Frenzy
MP: 45 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Medium | Effect: -
A gale of nunchaku swings which damages enemies applying vour weapon's attributes.
Tiger Palm Strike
MP: 30 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Extreme | Effect: -
A ferocious body blow which damages an enemy and increases the number of strikes with successful action prompts.
Essence of Improvisation
MP: 65 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Heavy | Effect: -
Uses everything at your disposal to damage enemies. recovering your HP.
Essence of Endless Kung Fu
MP: 45 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Extreme | Effect: -
Force an enemy to be like water as they endure take after take of stunt work possibly instantly KOing them.

Action Star Stats and Resistances

Basic Info

Action Star
Icon Action Star
Character Male Party Member
Weapon Nunchakus
Subname Silver Screen Sifu
Job Description A once-in-a-generation physical prodigy with a focus almost entirely on damage output.

Stat Changes

HP ★★★★★ MP ★★★☆☆
Attack ★★★★☆ Defense ★★★☆☆
Magic ★☆☆☆☆ Willpower ★★☆☆☆
Agility ★★★☆☆ - -


Blunt ImageBlunt Blade ImageBlade Bullet ImageBullet Fire ImageFire Ice ImageIce Electric ImageElectric
- - - - -

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth Related Guides

List of Jobs Partial.png

List of All Jobs

All Jobs

All Jobs
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Sujimancer Cabbie Heiress
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Geodancer Housekeeper Kunoichi
Pyrodancer Action Star Host
Breaker Chef Idol
Hitman Barmaid Detective
Homeless Guy Gangster Night Queen
Assassin Linebacker Tennis Ace


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