Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

Chapter 4: In the Ghetto Story Walkthrough and Guide

Chapter Chapter 4 In the Ghetto Walkthrough

This is a story walkthrough guide on Chapter 4: In the Ghetto of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8). Learn more about the objectives of this chapter, best team setup, tips for completion, as well as battle strategies!

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Chapter 4: In the Ghetto Walkthrough Guide

Chapter Walkthrough
Chapter 4 District Five

Chapter 4 Walkthrough

When you regain control of Kasuga, head out to the main street to trigger some cutscenes. You'll then need to go to Julie's Gearworks where you can start crafting and upgrading weapons.

Upgrade your weapon and get ready for a fight with a troublesome customer. After chasing him off, exit Julie's Gearworks and proceed to the Anaconda Shopping Center.
List of Weapons

When you arrive at the Anaconda Shopping Center, follow the quest marker to the second floor to trigger some cutscenes. Feel free to shop for weapons and other items!
Early Game Builds: Best Weapons and Armor

Meet up with Sujimon and finish the introduction to Sujimon Battles. Additionally, you can recruit the Sujimon nearby.
Substory #2: Sujimon, Generation II

Make preparations to enter District Five. This is your last chance to purchase gear and grind for EXP because once you enter, you won't be able to return to the city or save for a while. Make sure you're at least level 13 and have 2★ equipment.
How to Level Up Fast: Best Way to Gain EXP
Chapter Walkthrough
Chapter 4 District Five

District Five

When you're ready, head to the quest marker and wait for Roman to enter District Five.

Follow the quest markers and talk to the designated NPCs to search for clues on Chitose. You'll eventually be led to a small makeshift hut. Before examining it, make sure to prepare for a fight with Jose Henderson.

Jose Henderson will fight you along with some homeless men. Make sure to deal with them first before focusing on Jose Henderson himself.

Follow Roman to the north side of District Five and into the warehouse. Make sure you're topped up on health as you will get into another fight soon. After some cutscenes, you'll need to defeat two waves of Barracuda Footsoldiers. Use AoE attacks to quickly deal with them.

Proceed deeper into the warehouse by following the quest marker. You will encounter several enemies along the way so be prepared.

After meeting up with Chitose, make sure to restore HP and save your progress as you will be fighting a series of battles moving forward. Talk to Chitose again once you're ready.

Follow Chitose to find the boss of District Five. Prepare for a fight after going through the exit. This time, Chitose will join you in combat.

You'll then find yourself before an area with moving lasers. Get to the other side while avoiding the laser beams. Make sure to collect the items along the way, especially the Safety Brooch, an accessory that increases defense.
Once you're past the laser beams, more Barracuda Footsoldiers will be waiting for you at the top of the stairs. Defeat them and proceed further into the warehouse.

You'll eventually reach a bigger area with more moving laser beams. Time your movement so you avoid the laser beams and watch out for even more Barracuda Footsoldiers patrolling the exit.

Exit through the door and you'll find yet more laser beams, this time in a narrow corridor. Barracuda Footsoldiers are waiting for you after you get past this last batch of laser beams. Restore your HP in this room and save your progress again.

Go through the door when you're ready. Brace yourself to fight against three waves of enemies.

Make your way through the Crystal Aloha Resort Hotel while fighting off more Barracuda Footsoldiers.

As you proceed further into the hotel, you'll reach a room with poisoned gas. You'll have to fight through more enemies so use your recovery items to keep your party healthy. You can heal up and save your progress again at the end of this section.

Ride the elevator to face the boss Dwight Mendez. Make sure your party's HP is topped off when you've reduced Dwight's HP to about 50%. He will receive a significant boost to his attack and can easily wipe your party. Defeat the boss to complete Chapter 4.

Tips For Clearing Chapter 4: In the Ghetto

Purchase Wind Sneakers and Other Items

The Wind Sneakers can be purchased at the Fiddler Brand in the second floor of the Anaconda Shopping Center. The Wind Sneakers provide excellent defense at this point in the game and only cost $343.

This is also a good time to upgrade the rest of your equipment if you have the money!

Ensure You Have Plenty of Healing Items

Like a Dragon - Ch4 Shop at Anaconda Shopping Center

Chitose will join you in the later part of Chapter 4 and can act as a healer, but it's a good idea to stock up on healing items before entering District Five. You'll be fighting a series of battles later on in the chapter, and even fight in rooms with various hazards.

You can purchase healing items at the various stores in the Anaconda Shopping Center.

Grind Levels Before Entering District Five

Like a Dragon - Ch4 Grind Levels Before Entering District Five

Near the end of Chapter 4, you'll face plenty of enemies, some even coming in waves. It's a good idea to grind levels before entering District Five so you can end fights quickly while sustaining minimal damage.

One of the best ways to gain EXP at this point in the game are the Sujimon Raids!

How to Level Up Fast: Best Way to Gain EXP

Game Ends If Kasuga Dies

LAD Infinite Wealth - Game Over If Kasuga Dies

Unlike other party members who can be revived when they fall, the game ends when Kasuga runs out of HP.

Make sure to prioritize keeping Kasuga healthy when engaged in combat.

Features that Unlock in Chapter 4

Weapon Crafting

LAD IW - Substory 20 Chapter 4

Finishing Substory #20 will unlock weapon crafting. This will allow you to craft powerful weapons that are job-exclusive.

Weapon Crafting and Upgrade Guide

Sujimon Battles

LAD IW - Sujimon Battles

Kasuga will become a trainer, executing commands to his Sujimons to attack and use skills against rival Sujimon trainers.

Sujimon Guide: How to Play and Recruit Sujimon


LAD IW - Raids

Raids give you a chance to recruit powerful Sujimon to your team if you managed to defeat them in battle.

How to Unlock Chapter 4: In the Ghetto

Complete Chapter 3: The Fool

LaD Infinite Wealth - Complete Chapter 3: The Fool

Chapter 4: In the Ghetto us automatically unlocked right after you finish Chapter 3: The Fool.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Related Guides

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Main Story Walkthrough

Chapter List

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Paradise, Hawaiian Style
Like a Dragon - Chapter 3 - The FoolChapter 3:
The Fool
Like a Dragon - Chapter 4 - In the GhettoChapter 4:
In the Ghetto
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Like a Dragon - Chapter 9 Hard Headed WomanChapter 9: Hard Headed Woman Like a Dragon - Chapter 10 DonChapter 10: Don't Be Cruel
LAD IW - Chapter 11 Partial BannerChapter 11: Devil in Disguise LAD IW - Chapter 12 Partial BannerChapter 12: For Ol' Times Sake
LAD IW - Chapter 13 Partial BannerChapter 13: Promised Land LAD Infinite Wealth - Ch14Finale: If I Can Dream


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