Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

How to Unlock Heiress Job: Skills and Abilities

A guide to the Heiress Job in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8), including all skills, abilities, stats, and how to unlock.

How to Unlock the Heiress Job

Job How to Unlock
Heiress Initial Job (Recruited in Chapter 5)

You can acquire the Heiress Job when you reach a certain Chapter or when a certain member joins your party!

Characters Who Can Change Jobs to Heiress

Job Available Character
Heiress Chitose Fujinomiya

The Heiress Job is an Exclusive Job to Chitose Fujinomiya. It cannot be equipped to any other party member.

Heiress Skills

Skill Information
Palm Tree Pose
MP: 10 | Type: Support | Attribute: - | Range: Self Only | Power: - | Effect: -
Chitose limbers up with a modified urdhva hastasana, increasing her Attack and Agility.
Grand Jete
MP: 15 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Medium | Effect: Knockback
A flawless execution of one of ballet's most challenging leaps. Damages an enemy and applies your weapon's attributes.
Spill the Tea
MP: 15 | Type: Recovery | Attribute: - | Range: Ally Area | Power: - | Effect: -
Sip and share tawdry gossip as Chitose recovers her and her allies' HP.
MP: 20 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Medium | Effect: Grapple
Bringing years of Chitose's strict ballet training to the battlefield, damages an enemy and applies your weapon's attributes.
Catwalk Trance
MP: 30 | Type: Attack | Attribute: - | Range: Enemy Area | Power: - | Effect: -
Per her indelible interest in the fashion industry, Chitose's runway walk has a high chance to charm her enemies.
Disarming Fragrance
MP: 10 | Type: Support | Attribute: - | Range: Enemy Area | Power: - | Effect: -
Chitose lets loose a sample of designer perfume, lowering the Attack of her enemies.
Triple Corsage
MP: 25 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blade | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Heavy | Effect: Grapple
With an eye for accessorizing, Chitose damages an enemy with a chance to lower their Attack.
Violino Adagissimo
MP: 25 | Type: Support | Attribute: - | Range: Enemy Area | Power: - | Effect: -
Recalling her classical music training, Chitose slows the tempo and greatly reduces the Agility of her enemies.
Faire la Pirouette
MP: 40 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Heavy | Effect: -
An utterly captivating blend of finesse and violence which damages enemies and applies your weapon's attributes.
MP: 45 | Type: Recovery | Attribute: - | Range: Ally Area | Power: - | Effect: -
Chitose deftly serves some blood orange martinis which recover her and nearby allies' HP and removes any debuffs.
Essence of Puppy Playtime
MP: 45 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Extreme | Effect: -
Allowing herself a moment of relaxed fun, Chitose unleashes three good dogs at an enemy, with a high chance of inflicting fear.
Essence of the Ballroom Blitz
MP: 60 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Heavy | Effect: Grapple
Chitose's tour de force performance, which elegantly damages enemies and applies your weapon's attributes.

Heiress Stats and Resistances

Basic Info

Heiress Heiress
Icon Heiress
Character Chitose Fujinomiya
Weapon Chokers
Subname Noblesse Obliged
Job Description An exclusive job for Chitose, employing the many disciplines of her privileged upbringing to support and deal damage.

Stat Changes

HP ★★★☆☆ MP ★★★☆☆
Attack ★★★☆☆ Defense ★★☆☆☆
Magic ★★★☆☆ Willpower ★★★☆☆
Agility ★★★★☆ - -


Blunt ImageBlunt Blade ImageBlade Bullet ImageBullet Fire ImageFire Ice ImageIce Electric ImageElectric
- - - - - -

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth Related Guides

List of Jobs Partial.png

List of All Jobs

All Jobs

All Jobs
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Breaker Chef Idol
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Homeless Guy Gangster Night Queen
Assassin Linebacker Tennis Ace


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