Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

Puzzle Shogi Solutions: How to Play Open Road Shogi

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth - Puzzle Shogi Solution How to Beat Shogi

This article shows all 10 puzzle shogi answers in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Learn how to play Puzzle Shogi, how to play open road shogi, winning the shogi challenge, and more!

Puzzle Shogi Solutions

Puzzle Shogi 1 Solution

1 Move Answer
Move the Gold General from the side to below the opponent King.

Puzzle Shogi 2 Solution

1 Move Answer
Move the Gold General below the opponent King.

Puzzle Shogi 3 Solution

1 Move Answer
Move the Knight below the opponent Silver General.

Puzzle Shogi 4 Solution

1 Move Answer
Move the Silver General one tile up and don't promote.

Puzzle Shogi 5 Solution

1 Move Answer
Move the right-side Bishop diagonally upwards to the left by four tiles.

Puzzle Shogi 6 Solution

3 Move Answer
Move your Silver General from the side to the left of the Lance. Then, move your Bishop diagonally to the right by 1 tile and promote it.

Puzzle Shogi 7 Solution

3 Move Answer
Move your Rook from the side to behind the enemy King. Then, move your knight below the opponent Gold General and don't promote it.

Puzzle Shogi 8 Solution

3 Move Answer
Move the Bishop backwards diagonally to the left and promote it. Afterward, move your Lance one tile forward and promote it.

Puzzle Shogi 9 Solution

3 Move Answer
Move your Silver General one tile diagonally to the right then promote it. Afterward, move your Silver General from the side to below the opponent Knight!

Puzzle Shogi 10 Solution

3 Move Answer
Move your Rook to the right and promote it. Afterward, move your promoted Bishop diagonally backwards to the right by 1 tile.

Shogi Challenge Match

Full Walkthrough of Shogi Challenge Match

Aim For Opponent Openings

In challenge mode, you will have a few pieces to work with so you will begin with a clear disadvantage. It is recommended that you move around the board and exploit enemy openings whenever it opens up for you.

Block the Rook!

The Rook is your greatest enemy here. Once it enters your territory, it will cascade into failure. Make sure you are blocking the enemy Rook from advancing at all times. This is especially useful in Challenge 7 and the Final Challenge.

Shogi Pieces and Patterns

All Shogi Pieces and Movement Patterns

Pieces That Can Be Promoted

Piece Normal Promoted
Silver General

Pieces That Can't Be Promoted

King Gold General

Promotion Happens On The Opponent's Inner 3 Rows

When your promotable piece arrives on your opponent's inner three rows, you can choose to promote it or not. Promotion will change its overall movement coverage which can sometimes turn the tides of battle!

The pieces that can be promoted are the Pawn, Knight, Lance, Silver General, Bishop, and Rook.

Take Note of the Red Writings!

In the English version of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, the developers put red markings on the lower right of the Shogi pieces for easier identification. The markings are the first letter of the Shogi piece name in English except the King, which uses a crown symbol.

The red symbol will also be appended by a # symbol when the piece is promoted.

Open Road Shogi Rewards

Shogi Points Exchange

Whenever you win a Shogi match or challenge, you will be rewarded with Shogi points. Here is the complete table of items you can obtain from Shogi Points exchange.

Item Price & Description
Desperado's Revolver 21,000 pts.
A weapon for the Desperado job.
Iron Fragments 850 pts.
Used to enhance weapons.
Iron Chunk 1,700 pts.
Used to enhance weapons.
Booze, Brawls, Brothers and the Shogi Board 650 pts.
A manual for Shogi written by a shogi master.
Taxi Blueprints 1,000 pts
Used to craft taxis with DIY on Dondoko Island.
Soul Hackers 2 soundtrack CD1 150 pts.
CD that features the track "Normal Battle" from the game Soul Hackers 2.
Soul Hackers 2 soundtrack CD2 150 pts.
CD that features the track "COMP SMITH" from the game Soul Hackers 2.
Level Booster 7,000 pts.
Increases your level by 1.
Mood Booster 7,000 pts.
Increases your base MP.
Guts Booster 7,000 pts.
Increases your base Defense.
The Hero's Sojourn 5,000 pts.
Increases your job rank as a Hero by 1.
Surviving the Streets 5,000 pts.
Increases your job rank as a Homeless by 1.
Sleuthing Made Simple 5,000 pts.
Increases your job rank as a Detective by 1.
The Amateur Professional 5,000 pts.
Increases your job rank as a Hitman by 1.
The Epicurean Epithet 5,000 pts.
Increases your job rank as a Chef by 1.
Breakin' and Boppin' 5,000 pts.
Increases your job rank as a Breaker by 1.
Professor Mutant 2,100 pts.
An American comic that could improve Kasuga's Intellect.

Intellect Increases

Whenever you play Open Road Shogi, Kasuga's Intellect personality increases. This is useful in unlocking jobs and increasing Kasuga's overall power.

Personality Level: Details and Level Effects

Where to Play Open Road Shogi

Play Behind the Shrine in Little Japan

Map Image Overworld Location

You can play Open Road Shogi behind the Shrine in Little Japan, Honolulu. You can easily take a taxi there if you have unlocked its taxi stand.

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