Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)

How to Unlock Barmaid Job: Skills and Abilities

A guide to the Barmaid Job in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8), including all skills, abilities, stats, and how to unlock.

How to Unlock the Barmaid Job

Job How to Unlock
Barmaid Initial Job (Chapter 8)

You can acquire the Barmaid Job when you reach a certain Chapter or when a certain member joins your party!

Characters Who Can Change Jobs to Barmaid

Job Available Character
Barmaid Saeko Mukoda

The Barmaid Job is an Exclusive Job to Saeko Mukoda. It cannot be equipped to any other party member.

Barmaid Skills

Skill Information
Boundless Cheer
MP: 10 | Type: Support | Attribute: - | Range: Ally Area | Power: - | Effect: -
Boosts Attack of Saeko and nearby allies with an encouraging rally.
Champagne Shower
MP: 15 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Magic, Water | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Light | Effect: -
Magic damage to a line of enemies, with a chance to inflict a cold. Increase the number of hits by following the action prompt.
MP: 20 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Medium | Effect: Knockback
A walloping handbag hit to enemies which applies your weapon's attributes.
Sly Pose
MP: 10 | Type: Support | Attribute: - | Range: Enemy Area | Power: - | Effect: -
Adopt a deceptive air of vulnerability, decreasing the Attack of Saeko's enemies.
Powder Puff Press
MP: 20 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Medium | Effect: Grapple
Damages an enemy with Saeko•s expert makeup application technique, sometimes blinding them as well.
MP: 30 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Light | Effect: Knockback
A handbag whirlwind which damages enemies and applies your weapon's attributes.
Champagne Splashdown
MP: 30 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Magic, Water | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Medium | Effect: -
Magic damage to a slew of enemies, with a chance to inflict a cold. Increase the number of hits by following the action prompt.
Branding Blow
MP: 30 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt, Fire | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Heavy | Effect: Knockback
Saeko unleashes a ferocious attack with her curling iron, sometimes leaving an enemy burnt and their hair brittle.
Jewel Breaker
MP: 35 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: 1 Enemy | Power: Medium | Effect: -
Swift and deadly damage to an enemy and his future progeny. Succeeding in the action prompt guarantees a critical hit.
Shop Dropper
MP: 45 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Blunt | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Heavy | Effect: -
Let Saeko's retail therapy cause her enemies physical therapy. High chance of a critical hit.
Essence of Remotivation
MP: 30 | Type: Recovery | Attribute: - | Range: 1 Ally | Power: - | Effect: -
Revives a fallen ally to max HP by infusing them with limitless positivity and enthusiasm.
Essence of Magnum Bottle
MP: 65 | Type: Attack | Attribute: Magic,Water | Range: Enemy Area | Power: Heavy | Effect: -
Unload the top shelf onto a line of enemies, damaging them with a chance of survivors catching a cold.

Barmaid Stats and Resistances

Basic Info

Icon Barmaid
Character Saeko Mukoda
Weapon Bags
Subname Multi-Talented Mama
Job Description An exclusive job for Saeko, whose high MP and varied skills make her quite versatile.

Stat Changes

HP ★★☆☆☆ MP ★★★★★
Attack ★★★☆☆ Defense ★★☆☆☆
Magic ★★★☆☆ Willpower ★★★☆☆
Agility ★★★☆☆ - -


Blunt ImageBlunt Blade ImageBlade Bullet ImageBullet Fire ImageFire Ice ImageIce Electric ImageElectric
- - - - - -

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List of Jobs Partial.png

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