Monster Hunter World (MHW)


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As in any ecosystem, there are large monsters, and there are small monsters. The Noios is one of the small monsters in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Read on to learn all about the Noios and its materials!

Basic Information about Noios

`title` iconNoios Known Habitats
Wildspire Waste
In-Game Description
Wingdrakes that will produce a sound similar to screamer pods when startled. Use meat to get their attention, and then hunt them for materials, or use them as transporation.

Noios Materials

Low Rank

Item Obtain Rate (%)
Wingdrake Hide 30
Screamer Sac 70

High Rank

Item Obtain Rate (%)
Screamer Sac 70
Wingdrake Hide+ 30

Master Rank

Screamer Sac Wingdrake Finehide

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Guides

Small Monsters in the Base Game
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Small Monsters Exclusive to Iceborne
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