Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Flashfly Cage Effects & Abilities | Palico Gadgets

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Flashfly Cage Effects & Abilities.jpg

This is a comprehensive guide about the Flashfly Cage, a Palico Gadget in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Read on to know what is a Flashfly Cage, its effects, and more!

What is a Flashfly Cage

What is a Flashfly Cage.jpg

The Flashfly Cage is a Palico Gadget that has the purpose of blinding, concussing, or enemies depending on ablility type. The duration of each status effect varies per proficiency that amplifies per level. The Flashfly Cage can only be acquired once you befriend the Bugtrappers, a Grimalkyne Tribe.

How To Track Bugtrappers

Flashfly Cage Effects

Flashfly Cage Abilities

Ability Levels Description
Thunderbug Cage 1 - 10 Similar to a Shock Trap, your Palico will place a Thunderbug Cage on the ground, which can paralyze any monster that triggers it.
Flashfly Cage 6 - 10 Similar to wild Flashfly bugs, your Palico will place a Flashfly Cage on the ground which you can manually detonate to blind any monsters nearby. You can also manually command your palico to place this at level 10.
Boombug Cage
Iceborne Only
11 - 15 Your Palico can place a Boombug Cage, which looks like a net on the ground. Large monsters that trigger it can recieve high explosive and KO damage. You can also manually command your palico to place this at level 15.

Effects per Level

Thunderbug Cage

Thunderbug Cage Trap Amount Duration Cooldown
1 1 pc. 80 secs. 160 secs.
2 1 pc. 85 secs. 140 secs.
3 2 pcs. 90 secs. 120 secs.
4 2 pcs. 95 secs. 120 secs.
5 2 pcs. 95 secs. 100 secs.
6 2 pcs. 100 secs. 100 secs.
7 2 pcs. 100 secs. 100 secs.
8 2 pcs. 100 secs. 100 secs.
9 2 pcs. 100 secs. 100 secs.
10 2 pcs. 100 secs. 100 secs.

Flashfly Cage

Flashfly Cage Trap Amount Duration Cooldown
5 1 pc. 80 secs. 160 secs.
6 1 pc. 80 secs. 160 secs.
7 1 pc. 85 secs. 140 secs.
8 2 pcs. 90 secs. 120 secs.
9 2 pcs. 95 secs. 110 secs.
10 2 pcs. 100 secs. 100 secs.

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