
How to Use the Music Player


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Music Player

MementoMori offers its own Music Player in-game so players can enjoy the characters' songs. Learn more about how to use the Music Player, where to access it, and the songs available.

How to Use the Music Player

Use of the Music Player

background playback
MementoMori is known for its amazing songs and vibrant art style. Because of this, MementoMori dedicated an actual music player in-game.

With the Music Player, you can listen to the music featured in the game. The Music Player supports background playback on your device. As long as the game runs, you can listen to music even when using another app.

Where to Access Music Player

1 Homepage
You can go to the Homepage and Click this Menu icon.
2 Music Player Menu
The menu window will pop-out. Click the Music Player button in the menu.
3 Music Player
You have now reached the Music Player!

If you're using an iOS or Android device, the music will play via the device's music player. The music being played will not be affected by the game's volume setting but will be based on your device's volume settings. If you leave the Music player screen, it will stop the music you're listening to.

Music Player Features


Players can create their own playlists by selecting the music they like from the ones unlocked.

How to Create Playlists
1 playlist
Click the Playlist tab at the Music Player window.
2 create playlist
On the Playlist tab, click the +Create Playlist to make your own playlist.
3 select song
Select the song that you want to add to your playlist by clicking it. Once clicked, it will go to the space on the left. Afterwards, you can save the playlist.
4 changes saved
After hitting Save you will be notified that changes have been saved.

Shuffle and Repeat

shuffle repeat
Shuffle can be enabled by tapping the Shuffle button. This will allow the music on your current playlist to be played randomly. On the other hand, repeat can be enabled by tapping the Repeat button. You can select between Repeat 1 or Repeat All.

How to Unlock Music

Music Ticket - Memento Mori Music Ticket

You can unlock music for the Music Player by obtaining Music Tickets. Music tickets can be obtained when you get a character not previously on your roster or from the shop.

Where to Obtain Music Ticket

Where to Obtain How to Obtain
Gacha Obtain a new character not in your roster
Shops You can get 1 Music Ticket at the Event Shop for 45 Event currency, and 3 Music Ticket at the Cave of Space-Time Shop for 10,000 Space-Time Coins

Songs Available

The music player has both the English and the Japanese versions of the character laments and background music for different game features, such as Battle League, Legend League, Guild Tree, Invoke, and Title Song, Anemone.

List of Laments

MementoMori Related Links

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