
Best Healer Tier List [March 2025]


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Best Healer Tier List - MementoMori

Want to keep your witches alive for longer in MementoMori? Read our tier list of the game's best healers so you know which characters to pull for.

Best Healer Tier List

All Characters Ranked

SS Tier
MementoMori - Yuni Image
S Tier
MementoMori - Priscilla Image MementoMori - Fortina Image MementoMori - Freesia Image
A Tier
MementoMori - Stella Image MementoMori - Chiffon Image MementoMori - Skuld Image MementoMori - Merlyn Image MementoMori - Fenrir Image
B Tier
MementoMori - Monica Image MementoMori - Winter Tropon Image

Tier List Criteria

SS Tier The best healers that can restore the largest amounts of HP to the highest number of witches in your party.
S Tier Characters that heal many targets and restore high amounts of HP, but not as much as SS healers.
A Tier Healers that can restore decent amounts of HP, or heal one or two other witches.
B Tier Characters that restore relatively minuscule amounts of HP or whose rarity is too low to be relied on.

A Note On Our Tier Lists

Even though MementoMori is a gacha game, most of the characters in it have very specific uses in the different situations that the game throws at players. Though we have ranked characters according to what we think are the best healers, healing, in general, is weaker in this game compared to optimizing your party to deal the most amount of damage in the shortest number of turns.

However, healing does get more substantial once your witches' relevant stats are high. Healing is also more useful in potentially longer, more drawn-out fights like in Guild Raids and the Battle Arena.

Tier List Placement Explanation

SS Tier Characters

Character Tier Placement Reasoning
MementoMori - Yuni IconYuni • Yuni provides consistent healing to your attacker while dealing decent AoE damage. Her active skill offers max level debuff cleansing that adds further utility.
• Her other active skill, Unicorn's Breeze offers multi-target healing and debuff cleansin over multiple activations, ensuring sustained healing and debuff removal throughout the battle. She also boosts the overall HP pool of your team.
• Aside from her healing abilities, she also has high DEF bonus and critical hit resistance, enhancing Yuni's survivability, allowing her to stay on the field longer to support the team.

S Tier Characters

Character Tier Placement Reasoning
MementoMori - Freesia IconFreesia • Freesia is a 'traditional' healer in the sense that she gives a one-time big heal to her allies instead of Regeneration like other witches.
• Though others heal the same way she does, her healing skill 'Flowers of Eden' also gives allies a DEF buff at Level 3. If the ally's HP is below 15%, Freesia's healing gets a 1.5x multiplier, making it more effective.
MementoMori - Priscilla IconPriscilla • Pirscilla's Shining Shower skill not only heals two of her allies equal to 50% of her ATK stat, but also grants them the Regeneration buff as well.
MementoMori - Fenrir IconFenrir • Fenrir is more useful for lowering her allies' skill cooldowns, though she also has a small Regeneration ability with Snow Prism that can heal up to 20% of a target's max HP if fully invested in.
MementoMori - Fortina IconFortina • Fortina has two healing skills - Prayer of the Silent and Havent of Divine Swords. The former gives Regeneration to all of Fortina's allies and gives them a Shield buff to boot, while the latter scales with how much damage she deals to an enemy (the ally with the lowest remaining HP percentage is healed equivalent to 80% of the damage dealt).

A Tier Characters

Character Tier Placement Reasoning
MementoMori - Stella IconStella • The effectiveness of her healing skill, Unleash the Evil Eye, is dependent on her damage output.
MementoMori - Chiffon IconChiffon • Chiffon's healing skill, Spirit Aegis, is a very potent ability that can heal an ally's HP equivalent to 100% of her ATK stat. However, there's a bit of randomness involved in the targeting (it could hit an enemy and cause damage instead of healing an ally).
MementoMori - Skuld IconSkuld • Skuld's healing skill, Healing Aroma, works similarly to Freesia, though instead of a DEF buff, it gives her allies a 20% SPD buff instead. However, she lacks the healing multiplier Freesia has and is also an R-rarity character.
MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn • Her healing abilities are minor compared to her other support skills, though the Regeneration she grants to an adjacent ally (most likely your main attacker) with her Master and Apprentice skill could prove useful in keeping your main damage dealer alive.

B Tier Characters

Character Tier Placement Reasoning
MementoMori - Monica IconMonica • Monica's healing skill, I'll Help Out!, restores HP equivalent to 80 percent of her ATK. But it only benefits one other ally, and you might not have much use for Monica outside of the very early game.

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