Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

All Gold Enemies

Gold enemies have gold features and drop a good amount of treasure when defeated in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon). See a list of gold enemies and which missions you can encounter them, as well as how to beat each one!

All Gold Enemies

Enemy Initial Encounter
LuigiGold Greenie A-2 Gear Up
Gold Mouse A-1 Poltergust 5000
Gold Spider A-2 Gear Up
Gold Bat C-1 A Timely Entrance
Gold Crow B-1 A Job for a Plumber
Gold Beetle C-1 A Timely Entrance
Gold Frog B-5 Doggone Key
Gold Fuzzball D-1 Cold Case

Gold enemies behave the same way as their normal counterpart. However, they do have gold skin and drop more treasure when defeated.

How to Beat Gold Enemies

Use the Strobulb Then the Poltergust on Ghosts


For gold enemies that are ghosts, Luigi has to stun them first with the Strobulb, then capture using the Poltergust.

Use the Strobulb on Non-Ghosts


For gold non-ghost enemies, Luigi just has to flash them with the Strobulb.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Related Guides

Luigi All Ghosts and Enemies ## All Enemy Types

Evershade Valley Ghosts Scarescraper Ghosts Non-Ghost Enemies


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