Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

How to Beat Strong Gobbers

Strong Gobber is an Evershade Valley Ghost enemy in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon). See its basic info, stats, as well as how to beat Strong Gobber.

Strong Gobber Basic Info and Stats

Strong Gobber Info
LuigiStrong Gobber HP 200
Base Enemy Gobber
Type Evershade Valley Ghost
Initial Encounter D-3 Across the Chasm
These massive, disgusting ghosts can destroy an entire mansion before you can say "Criminy! That's gross!" Watch out for their flying goo, or you'll have a hard time capturing them.
Also Encountered In
D-3 Across the Chasm
E-5 Paranormal Chaos

How to Beat Strong Gobber

Prioritize the Other Ghosts First

Strong Gobbers don't move much just like normal Gobbers, so all you need to do is keep your distance. Should they come with other gthosts, prioritize the other Ghosts first while evading the Strong Gobber's excrements.

Watch Out for Puddles on the Ground

The Strong Gobber will also upchuck some weird slime on the ground that will damage Luigi. Make sure to evade these at all costs and don't bother jumping over them as it can still hurt you.

Use a Level 2 and a Level 3 Power Surge

Much like the regular Gobber, you can do a Level 2 Power Surger followed by a Level 3 to get 3 Gold Bars!

Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon Related Guides


All Ghosts and Enemies

All Enemy Types

Evershade Valley Ghosts Scarescraper Ghosts Non-Ghost Enemies

All Evershade Valley Ghost Enemies

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LuigiGreenie LuigiSlammer LuigiHider
LuigiSneaker LuigiCreeper LuigiSister Lucinda
LuigiSister Belinda LuigiSister Herlinda LuigiGobber
LuigiPoltergeist LuigiStrong Greenie LuigiStrong Slammer
LuigiStrong Hider LuigiStrong Sneaker LuigiStrong Gobber
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LuigiStrong Poltergeist LuigiGold Greenie Luigi???


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