Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

How to Beat Gold Greenies

Gold Greenie is an Evershade Valley Ghost enemy in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon). See its basic info, stats, as well as how to beat Gold Greenie.

Gold Greenie Basic Info and Stats

Gold Greenie Info
LuigiGold Greenie HP 20
Base Enemy Greenie
Type Evershade Valley Ghost
Initial Encounter A-2 Gear Up
These greedy Greenies traded their slimy bodies for ones made of molten gold! Can't say I blame them.
Also Encountered In
A-2 Gear Up
A-3 Quiet Please!
B-2 The Pinwheel Gate
B-3 Graveyard Shift
B-4 Pool Party
B-5 Doggone Key
C-3 Roundhouse Brawl
D-1 Cold Case
D-2 Hit Rock Bottom
D-3 Across the Chasm
E-1 Front-Door Key
E-3 A Train to Catch

How to Beat Gold Greenie

Dealt like a Greenie

Gold Greenies are much like the typical Greenies, if only with slightly higher HP. They do not have armored variants and can be dealt with as you would a regular Greenie.

Gold Enemies Drop More Gold

Gold Greenies, much like other Gold Variants, drop Gold Bars when you capture them. This could boost the Treasure you round up in a mission, resulting to a higher score.

All Gold Enemies

Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon Related Guides


All Ghosts and Enemies

All Enemy Types

Evershade Valley Ghosts Scarescraper Ghosts Non-Ghost Enemies

All Evershade Valley Ghost Enemies

All Enemies
LuigiGreenie LuigiSlammer LuigiHider
LuigiSneaker LuigiCreeper LuigiSister Lucinda
LuigiSister Belinda LuigiSister Herlinda LuigiGobber
LuigiPoltergeist LuigiStrong Greenie LuigiStrong Slammer
LuigiStrong Hider LuigiStrong Sneaker LuigiStrong Gobber
LuigiGrouchy Possessor LuigiHarsh Possessor LuigiOverset Possessor
LuigiShrewd Possessor LuigiTough Possessor LuigiAncient Poltergeist
LuigiStrong Poltergeist LuigiGold Greenie Luigi???


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