The Witcher 3

How to Dye Armor

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How to Dye Armors - Merchant.jpg
This page contains information on how to dye armor in the game The Witcher 3. Read on to learn where you can find dyes and how to craft them.

How to Dye Armor

How to Dye Armors- Dye Merchant.jpg
Dyes are items that you can use to change one of the your witcher armor's color into the same color of your chosen dye. There are multiple of Dyes you can choose from to select the perfect color for your overall look. Keep in mind that Dyes only work on witcher gears and you cannot change the color of common armors and relics.

Where to Find Dye

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Dyes are extremely difficult to find and you can only receive them from looting, quest rewards, and killing enemies. However, they can be made through alchemy but it requires a specific diagram for each of the color. However, these diagrams are only available once you reach Toussaint from the Blood & Wine DLC.

Dye Location
Yellow Dye
You can find the Yellow armor dye formula at the bottom of the ocean under a boat south of Lebioda's Gate.
Black Dye
This formula can only be taken during the witcher contract The Tufo Monster. You can find the dye formula hidden under the barrels inside the wine cellar. This quest can be taken by talking to Monsieur de Bourbeau near the Flovive Signpost.
Turquoise Dye
The Turquoise armor dye formula can be found on the table underground which can be located by going through the illusion wall on the Hanse Base near the Mont Crane Castle.
Green Dye
The Green armor dye formula is guarded by two rock trolls near the wooden bridge just south of Trading Post.
How to Dye Armor - Green.jpg
Purple Dye
You can find the Purple armor dye formula inside the treasure chest near the hidden treasure on the far west side of toussaint. You will encounter a high level Alp on this area and proceed with caution.
Red Dye
You can find the Red armor dye formula can be found inside the Monster Den sitting on top of the table. You can find the monster den directly west of the Dun Tynne Crossroads.
Gray Dye
You can find the Gray armor dye formula beside the skeletorn inside the catacombs which can located at the center of beauclaire cemetery, just north of Lebioda's Gate.
Orange Dye
The range armor dye formula can be found inside a treasure chest on Fort Ussar Ruins guarded by two Slyzards.
White Dye
You can find the White armor dye formula once on highest area of the Hanse base Near the Mont Crance Castle. It will be hidden inside a treasure chest guarded by bandits.
Brown Dye
The Brown armor dye can be grabbed inside the Witch's hut during the quest A Knight's Tale. This quest can be received from the notice board in Castel Ravello Vineyard.
Brown Dye
The Brown armor dye formula is located near a small tent north east of the Arthach Palace Ruins. This tent is near the Hanse Base and is surrounded by bandits.

Dye Merchant

You can also purchase most of the colors from the dye merchant located on the southern area of Beauclair Port near the lake. This merchant sells different colored dyes and dye removers. However, he only sells a limited amount of dyes and they are sold at a very high price.

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