The Callisto Protocol

Chapter 4: Habitat Walkthrough and Implant Bio Locations

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Callisto Protocol - Habitat

Habitat is the fourth chapter of The Callisto Protocol's main story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, tips for completion, Habitat Implant Bio Locations, as well as other strategies!

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Aftermath Lost

Habitat Walkthrough

Habitat Summary

Habitat Objectives
Checkmark.pngFollow the Red Pipe.

Checkmark.pngGet Code from Guard.

Checkmark.pngDrain Tank Six.

Checkmark.pngReach the Biodome.

Checkmark.pngGet to the Oxygen Control Room.

Checkmark.pngGet Code from Guard.

Checkmark.pngUse Keycode at the Control Panel.

Checkmark.pngReach the Utility Hatch.

Checkmark.pngLook for the Fallen Walkway.

Habitat Detailed Walkthrough

1 Head to the Water Processing Facility.jpg
The Callisto Protocol placeholder quest iconFollow the Red Pipe.
Head on down to Water Processing. Just after the screen cuts to black revealing the chapter name, continue climbing down the ladder, down the spiral staircase, and another ladder to reach the base of the Water Processing Facility. There's a Reforge station just by the spiral staircase, if you feel like upgrading weapons, now would be a good time.

Move the blue crate just by the yellow door to reveal a vent, crawl inside the vent. When you reach the other side, drop down to a Water Treatment chamber. Get to the other side of the chamber where another valve and vent is located. Turn the valve to stop the hot air in the vents, then climb aboard the vent. Will there be enemies in the water treatment chamber? Yes, there will be enemies in the water treatment chamber. Take notice of the water to be ready for sudden attacks.
2 Purification B H207.jpg
The Callisto Protocol placeholder quest iconGet inside Purification B H207.
Once you reach the end of the vent, keep following the red pipe past another vent. When you get down, you have the option of exploring the room to get ammo and credits, or go directly to the path to Purification B H207.

Go through the vent on the floor by the locked door into a dark barely-lit room. A new enemy type will be seen and heard going around the platform. Go straight for the Gate Fuses and put them into the designated panels to turn on the lights. The Gate Fuses will give off a faint light blue glow that is visible in the dark room. Once both fuses are in place, get inside Access Hall H271.
3 Go Right.jpg
The Callisto Protocol placeholder quest iconThe path isn't always obvious.
Keep following the red pipe inside H271. This will lead down a ladder into submerged waters. Walk further until you see steps. If you want to go look around for some items first, go up the stairs. However, if you want to get out, go up the stairs and turn the valve to open the vent. Then immediately go back make a left turn and climb up the vent by the wall. Keep following the red pipe and it will lead you to a ladder for you to climb.

Climb up the ladder to an area with three distinct catwalks. Go to the first catwalk, look for items, then climb up the ladder to get the Gate Fuse. Go back to the end of the catwalk and use the Gate Fuse to open the door to Access Hall H206.
4 Water Control H262.jpg
The Callisto Protocol placeholder quest iconHead to Water Control H262.
Once the Access Hall is unlocked, go straight to Water Control H262. When you get inside, Elias' hologram will appear giving you a hit at where you need to go next.

Go into Maintenance Hall F263, it doesn't matter which door you go through, both doors lead to the same hallway. If you're low on supplies, drop by Office F244 and Lounge F231 for ammo, credits, and health injectors. The guard you seek will be in Utility F265. After a brief encounter with an enemy, get the implant bio from the guard to activate the console. Head on back to Water Control.
5 Return to Water Control.jpg
The Callisto Protocol placeholder quest iconGet ready for a fight.
Once you return to the Water Control room after getting the code from the guard's implant bio, enemies will have spawned by the terminal console. Once you engage the console, the lights will go out and you will have awakened another enemy type. These enemies will be agile and have the ability to walk on walls and ceilings.

Once the tank reads Water Draining Complete, you'll be able to activate a small bridge. Cross it, climb up the ladder, and get down the hatch. Keep climbing down the hatch until it triggers the gate valve cutscene.
6 Water Slide.jpg
The Callisto Protocol placeholder quest iconSteer cleer of the obstacles.
Jacob can only take so many hits, the number will depend on the difficulty you've chosen. Once you're near the end of the canal, the game will trigger another cutscene where Jacob must climb up a chain to safety.

Once you reach the top of the chain, grab some health injectors from the mounted box then head on down to Access Hall F813. The access hall will have multiple vents where enemies can surprise attack you from. Most of these enemies will begin mutating if you don't kill them fast enough.
7 Go Down the Stairs.jpg
The Callisto Protocol placeholder quest iconGo down when you're ready.
Head on down to Access Hall F814. If you're low on supplies, you can seach around Maintenance F815. When you're ready, go down the stairs to your right.
8 Towards the Tram Station.jpg
The Callisto Protocol placeholder quest iconTowards the Tram Station.
Elias will tell you that there are still things you need to take care of before you can go to the Tram Station. This puts a smidge of distrust towards Elias, but ultimately you comply because you want to get off this rock.
9 Oxygen Processing.jpg
The Callisto Protocol placeholder quest iconOff to Oxygen Processing H623.
On your way to Oxygen Processing, there will be a security droid. Don't waste bullets on this and just wait for it to turn around before you go across. To operate the console you need the lockdown code from the guard who locked himself inside.

Go through the door to the left of the Reforge station and head to Oxygen Processing H627. Take the Health Injector then go left, crawling under the pipes, then up the vent at the end of the corridor. When you reach the end of the vent, go down and take the implant bio of one Sgt. Bill Pekelo. Use the code to lift the lockdown protocols.
10 Detour in Utility.jpg
The Callisto Protocol placeholder quest iconDetour in Utility.
You notice that the bridge to the Tram Station has collapsed. Elias tells you that there is a detour if you go to the lower levels in Utility. Head left from when you exit Oxygen Processing. The path towards Utility has those agile Crawlers patrolling it. If you're low on firepower, head directly to Utility H630.

If you missed the Skunk Gun schematics in the Basement during the Aftermath, you can still pick it up here. Once you pickup the schematics, go down the hatch.
11 Grind TIme.jpg
The Callisto Protocol placeholder quest iconGrind some Biophages.
When you reach the lower levels, the game will prompt you to find the collapsed walkway. Simply go right towards the open area with the large grinder at the center. If you have enough GRP charges, you can save the effort of killing these enemies and just chuck them into the grinder.

Once all enemies are dealt with, find the small space in the corner to crawl through and meet up with Elias. Climb the ladder, and watch the cutscene towards the next chapter.
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Aftermath Lost

Habitat Obtainable Weapons

Skunk Gun

Skunk Gun
Skunk Gun
A prototype one-handed shotgun currently being tested in Black Iron. Developed by the Io Armaments Skunkworks Division.
Type Sidearm
Acquisition Type Printed at the Reforge Station
Print Price 800 Credits
Base Ammo Capacity 2

If you miss the Skunk Gun in the previous chapter, worry not because you can still get the Skunk Gun once you go inside Utlity H630 when you reach the dome to the Tram Station.
Skunk Gun and List of Upgrades

Habitat Enemies Encountered



These nightmare creatures are quick on all fours. They have the ability to run on walls and ceilings giving them access to vents for ambushes making them a real problem in dark areas.

Mutated Biophages

Pre-Mutation Post-Mutation

Once you see a Biophage expose tentacles, be ready to shoot them immediately. Shooting the tentacles kill biophages much more quickly. Once they are given the chance to mutate, they become tankier and more dangerous.

Habitat Tips and Strategies

Shoot the Tentacles

When you see an enemy sprout tentacles, it is an indication that said enemy will start mutating into a stronger foe. Once you see tentacles, it is important that you shoot at the tentacles directly. If an enemy is down, you can also stomp on the tentacles to kill the enemy.

Do not engage the Security Droid

Do Not Engage.jpg
There are not a lot of crates where you can safely hide from the security droid if you decide to shoot it. Even at a good distance, if you shoot it, it reveals your position and you will die from returning fire. You can just wait for it to turn around then you make your way to your destination.

Habitat Implant Bio Locations

Dr. Caitlyn Maher: Corruptors (Audio Log)

After leaving the vents from the sewage-filled area, turn left to see the entrance to Purification B H207 and a raised platform beside it.
Climb the raised platform and check the boxes along the wall to get this Data-Bio.

Ofc. Bruno Vorenus: Crosswired (Implant Bio)

Beside the door to Purification B H207 is a small bloody crawlspace. Head through it to reach a large dark room and clear out all of the enemies inside.
After clearing out the enemies, go to the door leading to Access Hall H271 and interact with the corpse beside the door to get this Implant Bio.

Dr. Jae Moon-Bell: Cocoons (Audio Log)

After reaching Access Hall H206, walk past the door to Water Control H262 to reach Storage Hall H239.
Enter and progress through Storage Hall H239 until you reach a locked door. Swap the two Gate Fuses to unlock the door.
Go through the locked door and continue heading forward until you reach a medical room. Go to the far end of the room and check the ground below the corpse to get this Data-Bio.

Ofc. James Reese: Suicide Guard (Implant Bio)

Progress through the chapter until you reach Utility F265. Enter the room and defeat the mutated enemy that ambushes you inside.
After defeating the monsters, walk up to the corpse beneath the bloody graffiti and interact with it to get this Implant Bio.

Ofc. James Reese: Security (Audio Log)

After reaching Oxygen Processing H623, turn left to find the door to Botanical H624.
Proceed through Botanical H624 until you reach Utility Hall H626 at the end of the room.
Turn right as you enter the utility hall to see a narrow space. Squeeze through it to find this Audio Log beside the corpse on the ground.

Sgt. Bill Pekelo (Implant Bio)

From Oxygen Processing H623, turn right to find the door to Oxygen Processing H625. Enter the room and clear out all the enemies inside.
After defeating the enemies, head to the end of the hallway to find Oxygen Processing H627.
Proceed through Oxygen Processing H627 until you find a bloody vent at the end of the corridor.
Climb through the vent to reach a small room. Interact with the corpse on the ground to get this Implant Bio.

Ofc. Kyle Serra: Evacuation (Audio Log)

After reaching Utility H630, turn left to find the door to Hall H631. Interact with the door panel to unlock it and clear out the enemies inside.
After defeating the enemies, head to the far end of the room to find the Audio Log across the Tram Depot Entrance.

All Implant Bio Locations

The Callisto Protocol Related Guides

Callisto Protocol - Story Walkthrough Partial.png
Complete Story Walkthrough

List of Chapters

Chapter Summary
(Chapter 1)
Jacob and Max are flying from Europa to Callisto on a standard supply run when they learn that they have been boarded by the Outer Way terrorist organization.
(Chapter 2)
Jacob finds himself a prisoner of Black Iron Prison. When he wakes up, Black Iron is in complete chaos. Now he has to find a way out of this hellhole.
(Chapter 3)
Jacob must help Elias free the one prisoner that can get them out Callisto. Jacob must venture deeper into the facility to access SHU, the maximum-security unit where that prisoner is held captive.
(Chapter 4)
Jacob has to rendezvous with Elias at the Tram Station in the Habitat Dome. These creatures have begun mutating, evolving into stronger enemies.
(Chapter 5)
Jacob is out of Black Iron Prison, but now he finds himself in the barren wastelands of Callisto. Dani has a plan to get to the hangar, but everything doesn't always go according to plan.
(Chapter 6)
Jacob wakes up underneath all the rubble of the fallen hangar and learns the existence of Arcas, the first colony. Now he has to bring power back to the station to use the transport platform to Arcas.
(Chapter 7)
Jacob arrives at the Arcas colony and learns of the truth behind the Callisto Outbreak. Now he must race back to the warden's tower or face the consequences.
(Chapter 8)
Jacob finds himself a prisoner of Black Iron Prison yet again. Only one thing remains: he has to race against time to save Dani and get off Callisto.


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