Tile Palette Tips

The Tile Palette in RPG MAKER WITH is a tool that lets you choose Tiles and objects to create and customize your Maps. In this guide, we’ll share some helpful tips on how to use the Tile Palette effectively.


The Tile Palette in RPG MAKER WITH is a tool that lets you choose Tiles and objects to create and customize your Maps. In this guide, we’ll share some helpful tips on how to use the Tile Palette effectively.

Tile Palette Tips


The Tile Palette in RPG MAKER WITH contains all the Tiles and objects you can use to design your Maps, which are organized into collections called Tilesets. Learning how to use the Tile Palette effectively not only helps you make Maps, but can also improve their look and feel. This guide will provide three tips to help you use the Tile Palette to improve your Maps.

Selecting Multiple Tiles

In RPG MAKER WITH, objects like castles, towers, or statues are made up of several Tiles. To create a full object on the Map, you'll often need to select more than one Tile at a time. Let's learn how to select multiple Tiles from a Tileset.


Open your Tile Palette by pressing the Y Button.

Press the R Button and switch to "B". The Tile Palette will display castles, towns, and other large structures.

For this example, we will use the red castle.

Move your cursor to one part of the red castle and hold the A Button. Move your cursor to the remaining parts of the red castle.

Let go of the A Button. You will return to the "Map Editor," and can now place the entire red castle on the Map.

Remember that you can use this function on any Tile you wish to use.

Enabling and Disabling Autotile


The "Autotile" function allows you to seamlessly link two different and adjacent Tiles to one another. This function is reserved for the Tiles from the "A" category in the Tile Palette. The Autotile function is automatically enabled. If you are aiming for a particular look, you can disable it by long pressing the Right Analog Stick. Notice that the Autotile is disabled when your pointer has a red line under it.

In this example, the left side of the Map has Autotiles enabled, while the right side has them disabled.

Adding a Set of Tiles to Tilesets

In RPG MAKER WITH, you can also add Tiles to your Tilesets. Switching between different Tilesets can be time-consuming, and you can add Tiles to your Tilesets to avoid this issue. Let's learn how to add Tiles.


To do this, press the ZL Button and select "Go to Database."

Once on the "Database" screen, move your cursor to Tilesets.

Select the Tileset you wanted to add new Tiles under the "Tilesets List."

For this example, we will add Tiles to "0001 World."

Once you have chosen your Tileset, move your cursor to images and select an empty slot under the Images list.

In this example, we will add Tiles to "A3 (Buildings)."

Press the A Button on an empty slot and select a particular set of Tiles you want to add in your Tileset.

In this example, we added "Exterior A3" under the "Fantasy Folder."

Once you are done, press the X Button and select OK. Congratulations! You added a new set of Tiles to your Tileset.

Please remember that the Autotile function is only applicable to the default Tiles from the A category, even if you added new Tiles to it.

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Beginner's Guide Part 1 Beginner's Guide Part 2
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How to Set System Options
Tips and Tricks
Map, Event, and Switch Naming Tips How to Use the Flood Fill Tool

Intermediate Guide - RPG MAKER WITH

Advanced Guide - RPG MAKER WITH

Basic Information - RPG MAKER WITH


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