How to Use Quick Events

In RPG MAKER WITH, Quick Events make up the most common type of events that are easy to implement in your game. Read on to learn how to access Quick Events and what kind of Quick Events are available.

how to use quick Events

In RPG MAKER WITH, Quick Events make up the most common type of Events that are easy to implement in your game. Read on to learn how to access Quick Events and what kind of Quick Events are available.

How to Use Quick Events

Quick Events Make It Easier to Implement Common Events

Quick Event Creation.jpg

Some of the most common Events in RPG MAKER WITH can be created quickly using the Quick Event Creation. These include Events like Move (Map Transfer), Door, Treasure Chest, Inn and Switch.

To access these ready-to-use Events, press the ZL Button in the Event Editor screen and select Quick Event Creation.

Types of Quick Events

Move (Map Transfer)

Move Graphic

The Move Event allows characters to transition from one location to another. A square marks where the Event is placed while the destination is set under Location. You can also configure the character's orientation upon arriving at the next location - Up, Down, Left, Right or Retain. The Move Event is commonly used when transitioning between cities or villages.

How to Draw Maps for Specific Locations


Door Graphic

The Door Event is similar to the Move Event which enables transition between locations. However, it visually represents this transition by placing a door at the Event location, making this a seamless transition that is best used when entering a building.

Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest

The Treasure Chest Event lets you place a chest that players can open to receive items. You can choose an image for the Treasure Chest and the contents that can be placed inside, such as Gold, Items, Weapons, and Armor.

How to Make Self Switches



The Inn Event lets you place an Innkeeper and set a price. The main purpose of the Inn Event is to restore the party's HP/MP and return status effects to normal.


Switch Graphic

The Switch Event allows you to place switches that trigger specific actions, such as a vault door opening, or making objects appear. Switches can also be dialogue changes or triggers for other Events such as an item retrieval mission.

How to Make a Switch

RPG MAKER WITH Related Guides


All Beginner's Guide Articles

Core Guides
Beginner's Guide Part 1 Beginner's Guide Part 2
Supplementary Guides
How to Draw an Overworld Map How to Draw Maps for Specific Locations
How to Make an NPC How to Playtest for Beginners
How to Use Tilesets How to Use Sample Maps
Map Layers Explained How to Use Shortcut Keys
How to Make a Title Screen and Credit Roll How to Set In-Game Terms
How to Set System Options
Tips and Tricks
Map, Event, and Switch Naming Tips How to Use the Flood Fill Tool

Intermediate Guide - RPG MAKER WITH

Advanced Guide - RPG MAKER WITH

Basic Information - RPG MAKER WITH


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