Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Felyne Butterfly Wand α Stats and Crafting Requirements

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This is a guide to Felyne Butterfly Wand α, a Palico Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Read on to learn about Felyne Butterfly Wand α including its damage, damage type, element, status effects, and how to craft it.

Felyne Butterfly Wand α General Info

Felyne Butterfly Wand α Stats

Currently Unavailable Felyne Butterfly Wand α
Attack TypeBlunt
Element/StatusParalysis 70
Armor Set Partner Felyne Butterfly Cap Alpha

Felyne Butterfly Wand α Crafting Materials and Cost

Required MaterialSpring Blossom Ticket x1, Dragonvein Crystal x1
Research Points Cost350

Monster Hunter World Related links

All Palico Weapons List

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