Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Guiding Lands, How to Trap Spam

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trapspam bannerThis is a guide to Trap Spamming, a Guiding Land Region Level Grinding method in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Read on to learn all things about the Trap Spam technique, how to do it, and its effects.

What is Trap Spamming?

A Guiding Land Leveleling Strategy

Guiding Lands.jpg

Trap Spamming is a strategy for leveling specific regions in the Guiding lands. As the name suggests, Trap spamming is a technique where you repeatedly use traps so make sure to bring a lot of crafting materials to create those shock traps and pitfall traps!

Works Better with Multiple Players

hunter group
Trapspamming works better if there are multiple players doing the same trick. As the Guiding Lands Exp gain is given to all players, having 4 players doing the same strategy ensures a faster Guiding Land level grind.

A Single 30 Minute Session With 4 Players Can Nearly Max Your Region

Trap Spamming is a boring but extremely rewarding process. This method allows you to quickly make region level reach the max (lvl 7). The downside is finding 3 other players that is willing to commit to the same strategy.

How to Trap Spam

Use Traps

trapped monster

Trap spamming is as the name suggests, to spam traps. This includes both shock traps and pitfall traps. You will need to do this repeatedly, a single trap spam trip consists of 4 trap usage (1 shock trap, 1 pitfall trap, and 2 traps crafted from your trap tool).

Set the Traps To Auto-Craft

craft auto
To avoid wasting time navigating the menu while trap spammin, set your items into autocraft on the Crafting List. This will cause your items to automatically be made to traps allowing for a faster trap spamming session.

Restock at Camp

restocking at camp

After exhausting your supply, quickly use a farcaster or hide from enemy aggro then reload your trap spam loadout to repeat the process.

Return From Expedition

After your Trap Spamming Session, return from the current Expedition to see your Guiding Lands level soar to high levels. This can pretty much ensure that Tempered Monsters will appear in the region you leveled up.

Guiding Land Trap Spam Summary

  1. Bring all traps you can bring and the crafting materials for one.
  2. Use the trap at the target monster
  3. Restock once all traps are exhausted.
  4. Repeat step one or return from expedition if you're done with Trap Spamming.

Is Trap Spamming Still Viable

Viable But Inefficient

After some changes to the guiding lands, the experience accumulation has become faster which makes trapspamming more of a niche technique than a necessary thing anymore. While trapspamming is still a completely viable technique, it's not a must use strategy anymore. It consumes a lot of resources and isn't a fun grinding method.

Other Ways to Improve Guiding Lands Level

Barroth Carwash

How to Beat - Barroth 1.png

Only Works in the Wildspire Waste Area

The Barroth carwash is a method of cleaning the Barroth's mud from it's body. It works because each part that's broken will contribute to the experience earned in the Guiding Lands. As Barroth's mud is considered a part of it's body, removing the mud will count as a Partbreak and will contribute to the final EXP earned for that region when returning from the current expedition.

Bring Partbreaker


As mentioned in the first method, breaking monster parts contributes to the Guiding Lands level, using Partbreaker ensures more monster parts gets broken and thus, increasing your Guiding Lands level.

MHW Related Links

The Guiding Lands
Materials.pngUnique Materials Layered Armor.pngWeapon and Armor Augment Materials
Monsters.pngHow To Level Up Regions Maps Icon (Main Links).pngMap and Material Locations
monsters and materials.pngMonsters and their Materials deliverySecond Guiding Land Camp Location
traps.pngTrap Spam Guide


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