Monster Hunter Now

Desolate Mist Stats and Forging Materials

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The Desolate Mist is the Mizutsune Light Bowgun in Monster Hunter Now. The stats, skills, forging materials, and upgrades of the Desolate Mist can be found here.

Desolate Mist Stats and Skills

Desolate Mist Overview
MHNow - Desolate Mist
Attack 335 Affinity 10%
Monster Hunter Now - Water 230
Special Skill Wyvernblast Counter
Skills Artful Dodger Lv. 1 (G8)
Water Ammo x5
Sticky Water Ammo x3
Slicing Water Ammo x3

Desolate Mist Forging Materials

Desolate Mist Required Materials

How to Forge the Desolate Mist
Monster Materials
Zenny Cost 1500z

Desolate Mist Upgrades

Desolate Mist Weapon Tree

Name Attack Affinity Element
G5 Desolate Mist 1 335 10%
Monster Hunter Now - Water 230
G6 Nifl Mist 1 428 15%
Monster Hunter Now - Water 319
G7 Nifl Mist 2 547 15%
Monster Hunter Now - Water 443
G8 Nifl Mist 3 698 15%
Monster Hunter Now - Water 611
G9 Nifl Mist 4 892 15%
Monster Hunter Now - Water 842
G10 Nifl Mist 5 1138 20%
Monster Hunter Now - Water 1156

Monster Hunter Now Related Guides

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List of All Light Bowguns

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MHNow - Flame BlitzFlame Blitz MHNow - Jagras BlitzJagras Blitz MHNow - Lumu BlitzLumu Blitz
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