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Mizutsune Armor Set Skills and Forging Materials

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The Mizutsune Armor Set is an armor set you can forge in Monster Hunter Now. Find out the skills and forging materials for the Mizutsune Armor Set here.

Mizutsune Related Articles
Mizutsune Icon Mizutsune Guide Armor Icon Mizutsune Set Weapon Icon Mizutsune Weapons

Mizutsune Armor Set Skills

Mizutsune Set Skills

Here are all the armor pieces from the Mizutsune armor set and all the skills you can acquire from them.

Armor Skills
Monster Hunter Now - Legs Armor Mizutsune Helm Water Attack
・Grade 5: Level 1
・Grade 6: Level 2
Monster Hunter Now - Legs Armor Mizutsune Mail Bubbly Dance
・Grade 5: Level 1
・Grade 6: Level 2
Monster Hunter Now - Legs Armor Mizutsune Braces Bubbly Dance
・Grade 5: Level 1
・Grade 6: Level 1
Monster Hunter Now - Legs Armor Mizutsune Coil Evasive Concentration
・Grade 5: Level 1
・Grade 6: Level 2
Monster Hunter Now - Legs Armor Mizutsune Greaves Resuscitate
・Grade 5: Level 1
・Grade 6: Level 2

Mizutsune Armor Set Forging Materials

Armor Piece Forging Materials

To craft any armor piece from the Mizutsune armor set, you need the following materials:

Forging Requirements for Any Armor Piece
Zenny Cost 1500z
Rarity Materials Quantity
1 4
2 7
3 2
4 2

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