Monster Hunter Now

Blizzard Cannon Stats and Forging Materials

The Blizzard Cannon is the Barioth Light Bowgun in Monster Hunter Now. The stats, skills, forging materials, and upgrades of the Blizzard Cannon can be found here.

Blizzard Cannon Stats and Skills

Blizzard Cannon Overview
MHNow - Blizzard Cannon
Attack 234 Affinity 5%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 117
Special Skill Wyvernblast Counter
Skills Evade Extender Lv. 1 (G8)
Spread Ice Ammo x4
Piercing Ice Ammo x3

Blizzard Cannon Forging Materials

Blizzard Cannon Required Materials

How to Forge the Blizzard Cannon
Monster Materials
Zenny Cost 900z

Blizzard Cannon Upgrades

Blizzard Cannon Weapon Tree

Name Attack Affinity Element
G4 Blizzard Cannon 1 234 5%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 117
G5 Blizzard Cannon 2 334 10%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 181
G6 Blizzard Cannon+ 1 430 10%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 251
G7 Blizzard Cannon+ 2 555 15%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 349
G8 Blizzard Cannon+ 3 716 15%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 481
G9 Blizzard Cannon+ 4 923 20%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 663
G10 Blizzard Cannon+ 5 1191 20%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 910

Monster Hunter Now Related Guides

Monster Hunter Now - Weapons Partial
Best Weapons Tier List

List of All Weapons and Guides

Close-Ranged Weapons
Monster Hunter Now - Sword and Shield Sword and Shield
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Monster Hunter Now - Great Sword Great Sword
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Monster Hunter Now - Long Sword Long Sword
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Monster Hunter Now - Hammer Hammer
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Monster Hunter Now - Dual Blades Dual Blades
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Monster Hunter Now - Lance Lance
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Monster Hunter Now - Charge Blade Charge Blade
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Monster Hunter Now - Gunlance Gunlance
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Long-Ranged Weapons
Monster Hunter Now - Bow Bow
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Monster Hunter Now - Light Bowgun Light Bowgun
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Monster Hunter Now - Heavy Bowgun Heavy Bowgun
Guide | List

List of All Light Bowguns

MHNow - Blazing RifleBlazing Rifle MHNow - Carapace RifleCarapace Rifle MHNow - Chain BlitzChain Blitz
MHNow - Flame BlitzFlame Blitz MHNow - Jagras BlitzJagras Blitz MHNow - Lumu BlitzLumu Blitz
MHNow - Madness RifleMadness Rifle MHNow - Snow BlitzSnow Blitz MHNow - Thunder BlitzThunder Blitz
MHNow - Mammoth BowgunMammoth Bowgun MHNow - Blizzard CannonBlizzard Cannon MHNow - UsurperUsurper's Crime
MHNow - HunterHunter's Rifle MHNow - Azure SoulscorcherAzure Soulscorcher MHNow - Garon RifleGaron Rifle
MHNow - DevilDevil's Grin MHNow - Laguna BlitzLaguna Blitz MHNow - Grenade LauncherGrenade Launcher
MHNow - Khezu SyringeKhezu Syringe MHNow - DaoraDaora's Hornet MHNow - Desolate MistDesolate Mist
MHNow - TeostraTeostra's Flamebolt MHNow - Sinister BowgunSinister Bowgun MHNow - Rajang BarrageRajang Barrage


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