Monster Hunter Now

Heavy Bowgun Guide: Controls and Combos

Monster Hunter Now - Heavy Bowgun Guide (Controls and Combos)
The Heavy Bowgun (HBG) is a ranged weapon in Monster Hunter Now. Learn how to use the Heavy Bowgun, how to unlock, as well as the recommended combos and tips on how to play the Heavy Bowgun!

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Heavy Bowgun Basic Information

Deal Damage from a Distance

The Heavy Bowgun is one of the three ranged weapons in Monster Hunter Now. You will feel slower when using this compared to the Light Bowgun and the Bow, but it does pack a punch!

Can Automatically Guard

HBG Can Automatically Guard
You can guard with the Heavy Bowgun just by doing nothing. When a monster does an attack and you feel like you can't dodge it, just don't touch the screen to guard!

Shoots Different Ammo Types

Shoots Different Ammo Types
Similar to the Light Bowgun, the Heavy Bowgun can also shoot different ammo types. Always be strategic in changing ammo types to deal consistent damage. We recommend going for the Wyvern Ammo whenever you can!

Ammo Effects and Effective Usage

Different ammo types have different effects and ways to use them effectively. Here's a list of all the ammo types for the Heavy Bowgun:

Ammo Type Effect and Uses
Normal / Elemental Ammo Fires a single projectile that deals either raw or elemental when it hits.
Standard ammo with no special effect.
Pierce / Elemental Piercing Ammo Fires a single projectile that deals multiple instances of damage as it pierces through the monster.
Best used against bigger or longer monsters where this ammo can hit multiple times
Cluster Ammo Fires an arcing projectile which will then split into five explosive shells upon impact. Best used when the monster is down to get all five shells to explode on it.
Wyvern Ammo After a small charge up, fires a powerful explosion at close range.
Sticky / Sticky Elemental Ammo Fires a projectile that sticks to the monster and then explodes after some time.
This explosion also deals stun damage, which can stun the monster if it hits its head.
Slicing / Slicing Elemental Ammo Fires a projectile that sticks to the monster and then erupts in an explosion that deals slicing damage.
This ammo can cause tails to be severed.
Poison Ammo Fires a projectile that can poison the monster, which can deal damage over time.
Sleep Ammo Fires a projectile that can make the monster sleep.

Heavy Bowgun Controls

List of Controls

Touch Screen Controls Hunter Action
Swipe Evade to the direction of the swipe
Tap Shoot or Manual Reload
*Manual Reload changes your ammo type
Hold Rapid Fire
Guard Automatic when no action has been done
Swipe in Time for a Monster's Attack Perfect Dodging
*reloads existing ammo type immediately
SP Skill Button Tap Wyvernheart

Recommended Combos for the Heavy Bowgun

Just Keep Shooting

Action Touch Controls
Rapid Fire Tap on the screen repeatedly (shoot and reload)
Evade during the monster's attacks.

Similar to the Light Bowgun, the Heavy Bowgun is very simple to use. Shoot whenever there's an opening, and evade when the monster is attacking. You will be slower, but you can use its guard function whenever you feel like you're caught in dangerous position.

Tips on How to Use the Heavy Bowgun


Stay at Your Ammo's Critical Range

Stay at Your Ammo
Each ammo type has a specific range where they deal optimal damage. The Heavy Bowgun's crosshair displays this optimal range. If the hunter is too far from the monster for the ammo to deal its optimal damage, the crosshair loses the orange ring around it.

You must be close to a monster when firing the Wyvern Ammo to do optimal damage after its charge up.

Reload Instantly by Doing a Perfect Dodge

Perfect dodging, which is timing your evades at an exact moment before a monster attack hits, will reload your HBG ammo by one. Use this technique often, especially with the HBG's slow movement.

Prioritize Normal Evasion If You Can't Time It Properly

Survival is still the top priority in MHNow, so do not risk it if you cannot time Perfect Dodges properly. Just focus on dishing out consistent damage by shooting and dodging when needed!

Time Your Reloads

The reload animation for the Heavy Bowgun can be quite slow. Time it right to not get caught in a monster's attack!

Manually Reloading Switches Your Ammo Type

Be careful when manually reloading, as this will change your ammo type. This can throw off your gameplay, so keep an eye on the ammo equipped.

Use Wyversnipe When You Have the Opening

The Heavy Bowgun has two SP skills: the Wyvernsnipe and Wyvernheart. We recommended choosing Wyvernsnipe to deal damage.

Wyvernsnipe Ammo Effects

How to Unlock the Heavy Bowgun

Unlocked After Pre-Season Story 3-1

Assuming the unlock conditions of the new weapon are similar to the previous update, the Heavy Bowgun should be available upon reaching Chapter 3 of the Pre-Season Story.

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1 Nol4 months

It seems like your entire clip of ammo gets buffed when you perfect evade. I noticed all of the bullet icons getting a yellow outline and it seemed like the last shot in the clip did an extra damage.


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