Monster Hunter Now

Gunlance Guide: Controls and Combos

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Monster Hunter Now - Gunlance Guide
The Gunlance is a melee weapon in Monster Hunter Now. In this guide, you'll learn how to use the Gunlance, how to unlock it, as well as the recommended combos and tips on how to play the Gunlance!

All Gunlance Guides
Full List How to Use Builds

Gunlance Basic Information

Released June 13, 2024

MHNow - Dancing in the Tempest

The Gunlance is a new weapon type added as part of the Dancing in the Tempest Summer update. It's available starting June 13, 2024, at 12 midnight UTC.

Dancing in the Tempest Update

Unleash Explosive Shells

The Gunlance's main claim to fame is its ability to fire ammo at monsters while being able to thrust and guard like a Lance. Shelling and the Wyrmstake Cannon also ignore armor, making them ideal for tougher monsters.

Shells can be charged to deal more damage. Their damage also scales based on grade and ammo type and not with attack. They also can't crit and don't have elemental properties. A breakdown of the different ammo types can be found below.

Gunlance Ammo Types

Type Description
Normal Has the most shells (5). Best for Burst Fire.
Long Has 3 shells with longer range. Strongest charged shells.
Wide Only has 2 stronger shells. Best for thrusting and shelling-focused builds.

Normal Gunlances have the most shells, so it's best to use multiple Burst Fires to unload them all quickly. Wide Gunlances are best for a poke-shelling type of playstyle. Long Gunlances have more range and powerful charged shells.

Powerful Wyvern's Fire

Wyvern's Fire is a popular Gunlance move that heats up the weapon and releases a powerful explosion, dealing massive damage to monsters. In Monster Hunter Now, it's the special skill of the Gunlance.

Gunlance Controls

List of Controls

Touch Screen Controls Hunter Action
Swipe Evade
Tap Shelling
Tap x3 Shelling to Wyrmstake Cannon
Hold Guard -> Charged Shelling
Tap (with no ammo) Quick Reload
Hold then swipe down Reload (includes Wyrmstake)
Swipe up Lateral Thrust
Hold then swipe up Rising Slash
Swipe up during Rising Slash Overhead Smash
Tap after Overhead Smash Burst Fire/Full Burst
SP Skill Button Tap
(When Full)
Wyvern's Fire

Gunlance Combos

Burst Fire Combo

Burst Fire Combo
① Rising Slash (Swipe Up while Guarding)
② Overhead Smash (Swipe Up)
③ Burst Fire (Tap)

In general, a lot of the damage for Normal and Long Gunlances will come from the Burst Fire or Full Burst since it unloads all your ammo. Being able to execute it often is key to maximizing damage. It's also possible to follow up the combo to finish with the Wyrmstake Cannon.

Perfect Evade Burst Fire

Perfect Evade Burst Fire Combo
① Perfect Evade (Swipe)
② Overhead Smash (Swipe Up)
③ Burst Fire (Tap)

After doing a perfect evade, you can flick upwards to immediately do an Overhead Smash followed by a Burst Fire. This is a great way to fire all your shells at once if you know the monster's movements well.

Burst Fire to Wyrmstake Combo

Burst Fire to Wyrmstake Combo
① Rising Slash (Swipe Up while Guarding)
② Overhead Smash (Swipe Up)
③ Burst Fire (Tap)
④ Wide Sweep (Swipe Up)
⑤ Wyrmstake Cannon (Tap)

This combo is a powerful way to use everything your Gunlance has in the fastest possible way. This allows you to fire the Wyrmstake Shot without having to fire shells twice first.

Poke Shelling Combo

Poke Shelling Combo
① Lateral Thrust (Swipe Up)
② Shelling (Tap)
③ Repeat from ① or Reload (Tap)

This combo involves repeatedly thrusting the Gunlance and immediately firing a shell after every thrust. It plays similarly to Lances with added shelling, making it a safe way to use Wide Gunlances. However, due to the slower release of ammo, it isn't optimal for dealing a lot of damage.

Tips on How to Use the Gunlance

Know Your Ammo Types

Gunlances have three types of shells, each with their own advantages over the others. Knowing how to maximize each type of ammo is key to mastering the Gunlance.

Best Gunlance Builds

Use Wyvern's Fire When Possible

Wyvern's Fire is one of the most powerful moves of the Gunlance, so it's best to fire it off whenever you have an opening. Note that this actually hits 3 times, so it's not always the best option against sleeping monsters.

Wyvern's Fire Effects

Learn the Different Reloads

Shelling contributes a lot to the damage output of Gunlances so it's important to know the differences of the two reloads to always have ammo available.

Quick Reload doesn't reload the Wyrmstake Shot and is only performed when you're out of ammo. The normal Reload has a longer animation, but it reloads all shells and the Wyrmstake and is best used if you need to reload early.

Aim to Have Artillery

The Artillery Skill is a must-have for Gunlances thanks to the additional damage to the shells. It's also the only way to increase ammo, making it worthwhile to have on builds.

Artillery Skill Effects

How to Unlock Gunlance

Unlocked After Pre-Season Story 3-1

Assuming the unlock conditions of the new weapon are similar to the previous update, the Gunlance should be available upon reaching Chapter 3 of the Pre-Season Story.

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