Monster Hunter Now

Kulu-Ya-Ku Guide: Weakness and Materials

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Monster Hunter Now - Kulu-Ya-Ku Guide Weakness and Materials

This is a hunting guide for Kulu-Ya-Ku in Monster Hunter Now (MH Now). Learn how to unlock Kulu-Ya-Ku, its weakness, how to beat Kulu-Ya-Ku, material drops and more!

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Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon Kulu-Ya-Ku Guide Armor Icon Kulu Set Weapon Icon Kulu-Ya-Ku Weapons

How to Unlock Kulu-Ya-Ku

Unlocked after the Prologue 2 Urgent Quest

Name Unlock Condition
Monster Hunter Now - Kulu-Ya-Ku Large Monster IconKulu-Ya-Ku Prologue 2 Urgent Quest
Monster Hunter Now - Swamp Swamp
Monster Hunter Now - Desert Desert
Monster Hunter Now - Forest Forest

Kulu-Ya-Ku unlocks at the end of Prologue 2: Aiming for Pro questline!

All Chapters and Quests List

Kulu-Ya-Ku Materials

Material Drop Monster Strength Required
1 ★
1 ★
1 ★
2 ★
4 ★
6 ★
8 ★

Kulu-Ya-Ku Weakness

Kulu-Ya-Ku is Weak to Water

Weakness Breakable Parts
Monster Hunter Now - Water Water

How to Beat Kulu-Ya-Ku

  • Stay in front and attack the head.
  • Be careful of the pounce attack.
  • Rock attacks will start at 4★ strength and above.

Stay in Front and Attack the Head

Stay in Front and Attack the Head

The best way to deal with Kulu-Ya-Ku is to stay on its head. This is its weakpoint, and it is very easy to telegraph all its attacks while staying here.

You can also opt to aim at its tail and stay at the back, but this is generally inefficient! All of Kulu-Ya-Ku's full frontal attacks are easy to dodge, so better to stay in front to deal the maximum damage.

Be Careful of the Pounce Attack

The pounce attack is generally Kulu-Ya-Ku's strongest move. Try to evade this as much as possible.

It is quite easy to do so anyway, as Kulu-Ya-Ku will jump back and wind a jumping attack before leaping forward!

Rock Attacks Will Start at 4★ Strength

When fighting Kulu-Ya-Ku with atleast 4★ strength, it can dig out rocks from the ground that it will use during battle. Weapon attacks will bounce off when hitting the rock so its extra annoying to deal with!

Aim for the Hands or Forelegs

The best way to deal with this is to attack the rock from the side. Your attacks will not bounce off from this angle and can break Kulu-Ya-Ku's forearm, causing it to drop the rock!

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